Chapter 10

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Riker was surprised at my sudden change of heart. "I guess we'll press charges too."

The lady nodded and led us to a back room where an officer was sitting.

"These two would like to file a restraining order and press charges." She informed the officer.

"Thanks, Janet." He stood up. "I got it from here. I'm officer Peters and I'll be handling your case. So what happened to you two? You look pretty beaten up."

Riker explained the whole story in detail while officer Peters sat there quietly, occasionally taking notes.

"This is a pretty serious case. I agree, the restraining order is a smart move, but with all these charges, this Jacob kid is looking at some prison time. Because he's a minor, it will be in a juvenile detention center."

"How long would he be in there?" Riker asked.

"One to two years tops. That doesn't include parole or anything. Depending on how great his lawyer would be, he might only get a few months."

"How soon will he be arrested?" I said to my feet.

"We already sent an officer to your school. He should be arrested and brought back here shortly. He won't have much of an argument due to all of the markings and bruises he left you two with. To add to that, witnesses on the scene have photos and videos that place him there. There's plenty of evidence to go against him."

Officer Peters had us fill out restraining order paper work and asked us a few more questions.

"These will be filed today and in affect for tomorrow. You won't have to worry about that though. Jacob won't be able to reach you."

I was starting to shake from all the news and drama. Riker wrapped his arm around my shoulders to steady me.

"You ready to go, babe? You need some rest." He kissed my forehead.

"Yeah. I just wanna go home." I glanced over at the clock. We had been here for two hours.

Riker picked up Rory and I picked up Rose and we started out to the car. I regretted walking out of officer Peters office the second I stepped out his door.

"Ashley!" Jacob called from across the room. "Why would you do this? I told you I was sorry! I didn't mean to hit you!"

He was struggling to break free from the two officers on either side of him. They had him handcuffed and were pushing him toward the awaiting holding cell.

"Come on." Riker took my hand.

"Ashley!" Jacob called again. "Don't ignore me! You can't do this!"

Riker pulled me through the door and out to the car. I set Rose's car seat down beside the car and bent over.

"Are you ok?" Riker placed his hand on my back.

"I feel like I'm gonna be sick." I took deep breaths.

"Try and relax while I buckle the kids in." He quickly went around the car to buckle in Rory.

"Do you think you're good now?" He asked, closing Rose's car door.

"I just wanna go home." I whined.

Riker helped me into the car and drove us home. When we pulled into the driveway, Brittany's car was there. I stepped out of the car and watched Ryland step out of Brittany's.

"Where's Brittany?" I asked, looking around him.

"She's still at school. I came to check on you guys. Brittany told me the police arrested Jacob during math. I thought you were just getting a restraining order?"

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