Chapter 29

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(Ashley's point of view)

I was feeding Rory when Rocky ran into the kitchen holding the white shirt I wore earlier.

"Who was he?" Rocky asked, throwing the shirt down in front of me.

"That's my shirt." I said calmly.

"Who were you with?" He started getting louder.

"You're scaring the babies!" I turned to him.

"Damn it, Ashley! Who were you with?" He didn't care.

"You don't know him!"

"What's his name? What did you do with him? Where did you meet? Is that where you really were last night?"

"I met him on the beach in Santa Monica. I didn't do anything with him."

"Were you with him last night?" He ran his hands through his hair.

"I was on accident." I looked away.

"How do you accidentally spend the night with another guy?" He paced the kitchen.

"I was walking home yesterday and it was getting dark out. He picked me up and took me to eat. We were just suppose to get something real quick and he was gonna take me home. I fell asleep in his truck and he didn't know where I lived, so he waited until I woke up this morning. I swear to you, that's all that happened."

"You swear? You did nothing else with this guy?"

I let out a relieved breath. "I swear. I swear on my life."

"What was his name?"

"You don't need to know his name. All you need to know is that he helped me get home."

He nodded slowly. "I trust you."

I got up and pulled him into a hug. "You should. I promise nothing happened."

"Does this guy know you're taken?"

"He should." I lied. I never told him. I actually avoided his question.

"Does he know where you live?"

"No. I made him drop me off a block away."

"So then you should never see him again, right?"

"Unless we go to Santa Monica and I run into him, I shouldn't."

He picked my shirt up off the floor and looked at it. "I'm sorry I yelled. I shouldn't have jumped to the conclusion. I've already done that once."

"It's ok." I touched his arm. "If anything, you should want to thank him. If it weren't for him, I'd probably still be lost on the side of the road somewhere."

"You still never told me his name."

"And I probably won't." I touched his cheek. "Will you change their diapers while I wash the dishes?"

He grabbed my hand and nodded, then pulled away and picked up both the babies.


I met Rocky at the door. He had one car seat in each hand.

"Ready to go?" He set them down and pulled on his jacket.

"Yeah." I put on my shoes. "I'll meet you in the car. I left my phone in the kitchen."

He went out to the car while I went back to the kitchen. In the kitchen, I was pulled backwards into a hug.

"Where were you?" Ross whispered into my neck.

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