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Hey guys so here is the epilouge and I really hope you enjoy it guys. Just to let you know the sequel will be out next month or somewhere around there. Please let me know ur thoughts on the book and if you would be willing to read the next book. Bye guys. 


Melanie P.O.V

"Guys I have to tell you something." I said. Everyone turned around and looked at me and nodded their heads telling me to continue. "Gabriella and the rest of the Infinity Squad snuck into the US and infultrated a secret government facility that I was being held in. They got me out of the US but there was a one little problem, someone else got captured." I whispered the last part. In my head I wanted to break but I knew I couldn't, I needed to do this. 

"I wish Liam was here so he could help you through this." Niall said wrapping an arm around me. 

"Um yeah about that. When we left the US they called and told us that they took someone I cared about and to get them back I needed to give myself back to the Secret Government." I said, they were all looking at me intently. Louis eyes clouded over as if he knew what I was talking about, like he knew who they took. His eyes met mine and I saw understandment and sadness, he knew but the others still didn't.

"Who'd they take?" Zayn asked me narrowing his eyes. I sighed deeply.

"They took our families heart, soul, spirit, life and confidence. They took our dadddy, well get him back no matter how long it takes. They took Liam." I said angrily. They all broke down crying and screaming. 

These Secret Government officials can mess with me but not my family. Their going to pay. 

                                      The Second book is called: Revenge, Anger and 1D


Wow this is the end for: Love, Lust and 1D. i really hope you guys enjoyed this book and I can't wait to upload the sequel for you guys so I will be posting on this book the date for when The second book comes out guys. I'm so sorry the epilogue was so short but it was technically just showing you a preview of whats to come next. So bye guys and thank you for all of your support on this book that was really sweet of you and I would really like to know if you guys would be willing to read the sequel so let me know bye guys love you all <3




Love 1D

Love, Lust and 1D (Part 1 in the 1D Family Series) #Wattys2014Where stories live. Discover now