Harry P.O.V

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  • Dedicated to CrystalManex

You guys must like really hate me. I'm so sorry that I've taken so long to write this chapter but I've had a lot of writers block, exams and I have to decide which of my books im putting on hold till further notice. But the long wait is over and we shall celebrate by reading the book so here it is guys. Enjoy and the song of this chapter is Little Things by One Direction. Enjoy!!!


6 days later.....

"Hey Cassie will you go out with me? I know it's a really bad time and all but if your willing we can go love." I asked her. She looked up at me through her long eyelashes and smiled. She nodded her head. "Then lets go." I grabbed her hand, walking out of the house as we waved goodbye to everyone.

We walked down the walk way towards new classic Ford Capri. I opened the passenger side door letting her slide in before gently closing the door for her. I jogged over to the drivers side and slid in closing the door and buckling myself in. I turned on the car and pulled out of the drive way starting down the road.

"Where are you taking me Harold?" Cassie laughed from her seat. I chuckled at her silly antics.

"Did you just seriously call me Harold?" I asked turning my head to look at her just in time to see her nodding her head. I turned my head back towards the road chuckling.

"Well," I sighed, "you'll just have to wait and see now don't you love." I grabbed her hand and sped down the road away leaving everything behind us.

 Cassie P.O.V (sorry harry's was so short)

This has to be the best date ever! We had a very romantic dinner on the beach, we played around in the water, played some very crazy games and danced. We were currently laying down on the sand making out like crazy.

Harry's soft, plump lush lips were moving softly against mine. Our lips molded together in a way I could never explain to anyone in this whole world. Harry's tongue ran across my bottom lip asking for entrence and to tease him I kept my lips closed tightly. He grunted against my lips.

"Your such a freaking tease!" He groaned out. He bit my bottom lip making me gasp in surprise giving him enough time to shove his tongue into my mouth. We explored eachothers mouthes moaning in pure pleasure. Our tongues fought for dominace and of course harry won. He explored my mouth, every inch of it to be exact. We pulled away from eachother when breathing became neccesary, leaning our foreheads together. "That was incredible." He said. I nodded my head vigorously.

"You can say that again babe." I whispered making him smile. He pulled me down onto his chest as he layed down onto his back. We just layed their in eachothers arms as we watched the moons reflection glisten onto the beautiful beach water.

This is the best thing ever. From finding my brother, to getting HarrySstyles as my boyfriend and my knew life nothing could ruin this.

  But I was totally wrong.....

 Melanie P.O.V

Me, Niall, Louis, Elenour, Liam, Zayn, Perrie and Gabriella were now watching Another Cinderella story (If u haven't seen this go watch it now>>>>) starring Selena Gomez and Drew Seely! We were having fun while Cassie and Harry went on their date. Me and Zayn were finally let out of the hospital. I swear I owe god a lot of favors.

This was the perfect day ever until now! DING DONG, DING DONG. We turned our heads as we heard the bell being rung. We all ran for the frint door trying to get their faster for no apparent reason. When we opened the door I didn't expect to see him.

"Hi um can we help you?" Gabby (Gabriella) asked.

"Um actually I'm looking for Ca-" He stopped shortly after seeing my glare.

"Deavon what are you doing here?" I asked him. Now everyone was looking at me.

"You know him?" They all asked. They all looked confused. I looked at Gabriella and Deavon from the side of my eye and they knew what they had to do. They had to lie.

"Yeah he's Cassie's ex-boyfriend." I said harshly.

"Don't be like that Melanie and we were never really done because she didn't actually say the words. Oh and I have a surprise for you. Yo come here Andy." He said. I whipered in fake fear luckly no one noticed.

"Hey there babe." Andy said walking up the steps into the house with Deavon. We walked backwards enough so there was enough space between all of us.

"I'm not your babe. I never was." I said, faking anger, and spat in his face. Louis, Niall and Zayn were all around me as Liam stood infront of the girls.

"Bitch." Andy whispered out. I could tell it hurt him to call me that but he had to go along with the plan.

"Mel why the fuck haven't I killed this asshole yet?" Zayn asked. He looked pissed off and ready to kill.

"Look we don't want any trouble were just here for our girls okay." Deavon said. Andy nodded smirking at me as he licked his lips. Nialls hands turned into fist as he got ready to beat the shit out of him.

"We were never yours. Cassie thought of you as a fling, a piece of dirt but she loves harry and she told me herself. Also Andy you were nothing but the one thing that always hurt me the exact same way over and over again." I cried out. I made myself cry as tears flowed down my face.

"What did he do Mel?" Louis asked putting a hand around my waist.

"He raped me." I whispered out just loud enough for them to hear. The next thing that happened shocked me even more. Deavon and Andy dropped to the ground spazaming out. We all looked up to see Cassie and Harry standing there with...Tazers?? What the actual fuck!!!

"We need to talk." Harry said seriously.

Gabriella P.O.V

This is hard on both Melanie and me especially since we watched our best friends get tasered and got the arrested. But were fine knowing the team will have them out of jail by tonight. Oh sorry you must be confused with the whole 'Team' thing well you see me and Melanie are both apart a Secret Government team called The Infinity Squad!! We aren't assains were secret agents. Right now were on break so we can be with the family. Alot of things to take in I know right but get ready to take this in....ONE DIRECTION IS OVER!!!!!! I'm joking but this is really what is going on, Melanie is being taken away!

The squad doesn't know why but they will soon. Melanie is leaving tomorrow at 4 o'clock. We were all very surprised and sad, Niall and Mel are staying together no matter what. They promised they'll work everything out and when she gets back they'll celebrate.

Louis has been crying for the past hour like a baby. Cassie, Niall, Harry, Zayn, Perrie and Elenour were all rolling around the ground crying like idiots. They were begging her to stay.

"I wish I could guys but I can't. I have to go and figure out what's going on." She said. We all new she wanted to cry but she wouldn't.

"This is so wrong." I cried and sobbed into liams chest.

"We will never be the same again will we?" Asked Harry. We all shook out head knowing this would change us forever. We will never be a 1D Family without Melanie.


So I hope you guys enjoyed.





Bye guys <3

Love, Lust and 1D (Part 1 in the 1D Family Series) #Wattys2014Where stories live. Discover now