Cassie P.O.V

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So guys the chapter's will be named after the people who will be telling the chapter so don't be confused. So enjoy and I hope you like it very much. On the side is Dakota Fanning>>>> 


I'm sitting in the principals office waiting for mom to come out and tell me my punishment. I text my sister Melanie:

'Btw so going to get suspended.' From Cassiebear.

I wait five minutes for her to write back.

'Hopefully. Lol but that was hilarious, I'm just sorry for your punishment.' From Mel-power!!

I heard the argument between my mother and the principal stop in the office.

'Got to go text you later.' From Cassiebear.

"I'm so sorry again principal Fox. Thank you for putting up with Cassie for so long." My mother said. She was a tall lady with long bronze hair and hazel eyes.

"Its okay I'm so sorry but it's time we let Cassie go." He turned to me this time. "Cassie you slammed the door in front of Mrs. Parkers face knocking her out. I'm sorry but since she wont press charges im going to have to expel you." He said.

A gasp escaped my lips and a tear slipped down my face. 'that traitor' I thought. I hated showing my emotions, emotions in my head were another sign of weakness and I sure as hell didn't want to be seen as weak especially infront of my principle and mother. 

"You can't do that, please, mom do something." I yelled. She shook her head no. I got off the chair and ran off texting my best friend Danny to meet me at the park.

20 mins later................

"So you got expelled, so what?" Danny asked me hugging me tightly, he is my best friend. He has black hair, amazing blue eyes, and he has caramel colored skin.

On the other hand I was Skinny, Slim, had Blue-Gray eyes, Bronze hair with Blond, Pink, Blue, Green, and Red highlights. I was 5'8" and was considered gorgeous. I mean that's what's other people say. My full name is Cassie Sky-Tomlinson.

"The thing is this." I pulled out my phone and showed him the text my mom sent me.

'I'm sorry but I'm done. Come home and pack your things your going to London to live with your father. I have good news also when you come home xxx' ~Mom

"Oh that's the bad news." He said. He looked at me and I began to cry well more like sob, he held me and whispered it'll be okay. I sure hope he was right.

2 hours later.....................

I ran inside the house and sat on the couch not bothering to even look who was there. I felt the soft familiar hands that always comfort me. Yes. It was Melanie.

"Hey Mel." I said. "Why are you so happy?" Mel was a small pixie like girl. Slim and gorgeous, she has blond hair, and blue eyes. She's my adopted sister from Europe.

"I'm coming with you to London." She squealed. "Now where going to have lots of fun." She yelled.

"Yaaaaaaaa!!!!" I yelled from the top of my lungs that I think the whole house trembled.

"Alrighty girls pack everything you need. Now tomorrow I'm waking you up early because the private jet leaves early maybe around 9 or 10 in the morning." Our mother yelled. We stopped jumping on the couch.

"Alright." Me and Mel yelled in unison and we ran up the stairs.


Love, Lust and 1D (Part 1 in the 1D Family Series) #Wattys2014Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ