Chapter 33: Nightingale

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"Done." I said emphatically, smiling at the work I had accomplished. I copied the ripped map of Dark valley and the portion that was on the cave wall onto another piece of paper and helped Hiccup add it to his ever-spreading map of the known world.

It was well past midnight, probably about four in the morning by the looks of the sky. I turned around only to see that everyone was asleep. I pouted childishly for a moment and sighed dramatically. I tip-toed over to the pile of grass in the corner and gently brushed it aside, taking the egg in my hands. I sat down and held it on my lap and against my chest, attempting to warm it with my hands.

I felt instantly connected to the egg and the hatchling inside it. Warm vibrations surged through me as I held the egg in my hands. The egg was ice cold in my hands. I looked up to make sure no one was watching me: what I did next I wasn't very experienced at and I didn't want to humiliate myself. I lifted my hand toward the egg, my palm facing it and slowly, carefully, began balling it into a fist. Little streaks of lightening sparked from my hand. I took a breath and closed my eyes. Once my hand was in a fist, I sat the re for a moment, feeling the egg slowly warming against my other hand. When it was warm enough, I cautiously opened my hand and smiled in triumph.

My gaze was drawn to where my satchel lay on the ground beside me. I felt a hum surge through me, indistinct whispers reaching my ears, though I knew it was only in my head. I looked around at the others who were all asleep. I bit my lip as I put the egg back in the make-shift nest and scooted toward my bag. The whispers grew louder in my head, radiating urgency though I couldn't tell what any of them said.

I blindly reached into my bag, not looking as I did so. I didn't even know why I wasn't looking, it just felt safer, as if my ability to see it would make it go away. It was a childish thought, I realized, but I did it anyway.

My hand brushed the cover of a book. I turned my head to look at it and pulled it out of the bag, my heart pounding against my ribcage as if struggling to break free. I whispered the title out loud: "'The Legend of the Light and Dark.'" Anxiety quickly filled my core, staggering my breathing. I dropped the book on the ground and closed my eyes, willing it to be gone when I opened them. I opened my eyes and stared at the book.

I placed it on my lap, the whispers now blazing in my ears. I winced at the noise and covered my ears, but it was no help. The sounds were all in my head.

It's just in my head... I thought. It's not real... But, was it?

I grabbed the side of the book to open it, but hesitated. Would opening it bring on all that pain that happened the last time?

I braced myself.

And flipped the book open.

The book was opened to a page titled "Night--" I gritted my teeth as a searing headache pounded in my forehead, but it wasn't quite unbearable...but still close to it. There was more to the title, but I shut the book and the pain in my head fled immediately. I tucked the book back in my bag.

I am not dealing with this right now...

I leaned over and took the egg into my arms again. It brought me comfort to hold the egg, knowing there was life inside it. A night fury. It was amazing.

My eyelids began to drift closed and I allowed them, slowly being swallowed up by sleep.


"Em," someone tapped my shoulder. I sat up a little too quickly. My brother gasped and caught the egg that had fallen off of my lap. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes.

"Sorry, I forgot I was holding her!" I took the egg back from him and stroked it gently. Blaze shook off the apology, beaming with a happy smile.

"Guess what today is?" He asked me, using an ovedramatic voice.

"Uhh.." I started, but Blaze cut me off.

"Happy birthday, Em." He grinned, pulling something from behind his back. It was a black ring with a purple stone in the center.

I smiled. "It's beautiful."

"That's not all." He grinned. "I've been dabbling with some potions lately...and--"

"Dabbling?" I smirked and raised an eyebrow at his nerdy choice of words. He playfully pushed my shoulder.

"Listen. The pendant is infused with a mixture of your and Ezra's magic that will turn you invisible when you twist the gem. Try it." He placed the ring on my finger.

I placed my fingers on the pendant and looked up at him for reassurance. "Go ahead." He grinned sheepishly. I twisted the pendant and it suddenly looked almost as if I were looking through a wall of water.

"It works!" Blaze gushed. "Turn it again to reappear." I twisted it back in the opposite direction and I was back.

"That's awesome, Blaze, thank you!" I engulfed my brother in a tight embrace.

"I know, I bring good to our family name." He teased. I laughed, but then realized something.

"Blaze...I don't even remember what our last name is... What is it?"

"Nightingale." He replied with a shrug.


It was such a pristine name for someone who is filled with so much darkness. "Nightingale..." I tried the name on my tongue, the words sticking like peanut butter. "Like the bird." I smiled lightly.

Daniel appeared behind my brother. He pulled a blood red rose from behind his back. "Blaze said it was your birthday..." He smiled, handing the flower to me.

"It's gorgeous, thanks Danny." I took his hand and he helped me to my feet before leading me outside. He suddenly looked nervous.

"Emma...there's something I just need to be completely honest about... It's not easy to say...because it might hurt you, and I never wanted that... but it will hurt more later."

"Danny...what is it?"

"I have...your... Well, a while ago, I found the... I...I... I can't seem to find the words..." He stuttered, pacing nervously. "When we first met... Ugh, I don't know how to say this..."

"You should get your stuff, we're moving base to Dragons' Edge while the sky is clear." Hiccup appeared beside me.

"Yeah, just a minute..." I brushed him off. "Daniel?" Daniel opened his mouth, but shut it again.

"We really need to go now to get there before the next blizzard... you can talk once we're there." Hiccup put a hand on my shoulder.

I gave a sympathetic smile toward Daniel and turned to get my things from the cave.


Daniel ended up riding with Snotlout on Hookfang for some reason, and I chose to ride with Astrid this time. We both seemed to have broken down the wall of tention between us, making jokes about the others and growing closer on the way there. Once we got to dragons edge, we wrested in the huts and waited out the blizzard. Finally, it ended.

"Let's go to Dark Valley." I said, a feeling of sudden urgency swelling in my throat. "We need to know why Ezra wanted this map so badly. What if he finds a way to get there before we do? We just can't risk that, he's too powerful..." I reasoned.

"I guess you're right..." Hiccup agreed. "Come on, Gang, let's mount up." The gang got onto the dragons, this time me behind Hiccup on Toothless, the egg in my bag.

"Danny...Blaze..Tyra.. The dragons don't have enough energy to carry all of you too." I admitted. "'We'll be back in no time, I promise."

"But--" Blaze and Daniel protested in unison.

"We'll be fine." I smiled.

Then, we took to the skies. We were going to Dark Valley.

***Hey guys! Let me know what you thought of this chapter please! I have the rest of the book all planned out: there will be 5 more chapters. Then I will focus on the prequel and book three! Please comment below your thoughts on the characters and the plot, I'd love to get some feedback. Thanks!

Oh, and MERRY CHRISTMAS! (Or Happy Snoggletog ;)) --xoxAnnee***

Emma: The Glow Within (Book 2, HTTYD Fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें