Chapter 12: Rebuilt

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Blaze emerged from the trees and smiled when he spotted me. "Hey, Blaze I want you to meet..." I turned and looked where Jayden had been standing: he was gone. How does a blind guy just leave so silently?

"Meet who?" Blaze asked, giving me a playful, smirky, confused face. Classic Blaze. 

"Oh...uh, no one." I shrugged, and Blaze shrugged back.

"Em, I want to show you something." He smiled brightly like a little kid, grabbing my hand and pulling me in the direction of the village.

Our footsteps crunched in the leaves under our feet as we entered the town. He practically dragged me, weaving between houses, mumbling half-hearted "Sorry"'s after he crashed into people. Finally he stopped infront of the  Great Hall.

Wait... didn't the Great Hall burn down...?

"This is the job Gobber gave me. Well, Eret and I, and some other guys. We rebuild the Hall." He beamed. He continued to hold open the door and gesture for me to walk inside.

The inside wasn't completely finished yet, but so far it looked nicer than it had before. Tables made of ebony, and walls made of stone. The fireplace was crowned with painted pictures of all the chiefs and their sons, and I looked at all of them until I found Hiccup. I smiled. I looked at his father standing next to him, with a crimson beard and thick ponytail. It was funny to see how big he was, and yet how tiny Hiccup is.

Hiccup never really said much about his dad...

Valka had told me a little... but not much before she started crying, and Hiccup had only said that he died recently...

I turned around to see the gang and Hiccup sitting at a table. I smiled and walked over to them, sitting down next to Hiccup. I put my crutches down next to me.

"Hey guys." I beamed.

"Welcome back, beautiful." Snotlout said, winking. I rolled my eyes.

"What's with those... wooden stick things?" Tuff blurted.

"They're crutches." I explained. "Hiccup made them for me." I smiled warmly at Hiccup, and I noticed Astrid tense. She stared at the ground and brushed her blonde bangs away from her eyes with her fingertips.

I turned my head and noticed Daniel sitting at a table a two tables to my right. He smiled at me and waved. Blaze still stood by the door, but his gaze drilled into me as his face redened. He slowly shook his head, clearly communicating "No." I threw my hands up in the air in his direction and rolled my eyes. We folded our arms against our chest at the same time.

Daniel turned to see what I was looking at. When he saw Blaze he sat up straighter, turning back towards me and rolling his eyes. He mouthed 'Wow, your brother is stalking you now?'

I glared at him, mouthing, 'Shut up.'

"So then I said, no, Bucket, for the millionth time! Eggs come from chickens!" I jumped as I realized Fishlegs was still talking. The twins errupted in laughter, and Astrid mumbled "Idiots...".

"Emma!" I jumped again as Fishlegs turned to me. "Have you seen that other night fury again??"

Hiccup glanced at me and smiled apologetically. He had obviously told them. But why wouldn't he, they were his friends. My friends.

"Well..." I thought to when that black dragon swooped above Danny and I. Was that a night fury? ", I don't think so." I shrugged, taking a piece of chicken off of Hiccup's plate  and biting into it. He stared at the plate where the chicken was, then to where it was in my hand.

"Heyyy..." Hiccup laughed.

Gobber entered the hall, stopping when he saw me. He just stared at me and I awkwardly stared back.

I wondered what he saw when he looked at me.

A monster?

Something to be hunted?

"Uh... hi Gobber..." I offered. He shook his head as if he were snapping himself out of something/

"'Elo, Emma, how 're ye doing today?" He asked me, joyfully. I relaxed a little, now that he looked at me as if I were a person again.

"I'm fine... um, thank you for giving my brother that job, I'm sure he really appreciates it."

He clapped a hand to my shoulder. "No problem, it's what Stoick would've done." Hiccup winced and closed his eyes.

"'E always made sure everybody had a job, to support their families and such." Gobbered continued, oblivious to the the pain in Hiccup's eyes. Astrid turned to him and put a hand on his shoulder. I stared at him apologetically.

He brightened a little as Toothless bounded threw the door an over to us, his velvety pink tongue hanging out of his mouth. His emerald eyes flashed happily.

"Hey, Bud." Hiccup smiled, rubbing his dragon on the head. Toothless turned and walked over to me licking my arm.

"Hey!" I laughed throwing the saliva on the ground. I rubbed Toothless on the head.

"Hiccup, sweetie?" Valka entered, looking around until she spotted her son. She walked over to us smiling. "This book was sitting in your room, I didn't know if you needed it." She pulled a thick, black book out of her satchel, setting it on the table.

I stared at the black and gold book, labeled 'The Legend of the Light and Dark'

Hiccup reached his hand toward it, but i shoved mine in the way blocking him from it. "Wait, don't touch that!" Valka and Hiccup both stared at me awkwardly. "Oh, um, it just... is... probably... really dirty from being in your room all that time..."

Hiccup raised an eyebrow. "I think I'll survive..." He tried to reach past me but I blocked him again.

"No! Uh... Valka, can you hand me that glass of water?"

"Sure hon..." She picked up the cup and handed it to me. I set it down next to me, before "accidentally" knocking it over the book.

"WOOPS." I cried dramatically. "Ohhh man, I am sooo clumsy, let me just... take that and dry it off, be right back." I snatched the book, being careful to not let it open. I jumped up and ran out the door. The vibrations returned,  dancing up and down my arms, almost making me dizzy.

I had to get rid of it before someone else find it... Especially Hiccup. He didn't need all that literal pain and crazy visions that make no sense. I had to get rid of it...

***Heyyy! What do you guys think of Blaze in how he told Emma to stay away from Danny? Do you trust Danny or is he a bad guy?***

Emma: The Glow Within (Book 2, HTTYD Fanfic)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu