Chapter 5: Night Fury

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***Just to clarify, this chapter is written by me again. :)***

I froze as I stared down at my arm. I grabbed Daniel's arm to get his attention "Danny..." We watched as my birthmark slowly began to reappear, starting from my firgertips.

Only this time it was black.

Daniels eyes wandered to my own, then my hair. I looked down at my purple-tinted brown hair. But I didn't have the necklace... why was this happening?

My birthmark began to glow. It burned my arm, as if the design were being branded into my skin. I felt the energy growing stronger. It was as if it were alive. The markings glowed and burned even more. Something was about to happen—I could feel it.

"Danny, move—!" I shouted, but it was too late. A bright light exploded from my arm, blasting us both back in opposite directions. We flew through the air before landing sharply on the stone floor.

I lay there cringing in pain, tenderly touching the spot that my head had crashed into a rock. I sat up, and my head pulsed. I squeezed my eyes shut for a moment, desperate to extinguish the pain. I opened my eyes.

"Daniel?" I saw him laying on his back about five feet away. "Danny!" I got up and ran to his side. His face was scrunched up, displaying his pain. "Danny, I-I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry! ***Only Doctor Who fans will appreciate what I just said. And I didn't even do that on purpose XD***Are you okay?"

Daniel sat up slowly, visibly shaken. But he quickly shook it off. "Y-yeah, I'm fine."

"I'm so sorry!" I squealed again, a tear gliding down my cheek.

I hurt someone else.

Would I ever stop hurting people?

Daniel wiped my tear away. "It's okay. It wasn't your fault..." I looked down at my arm, and the black markings had vanished. I was only left with the barely-visible purple one. My hair was back to normal.



I watched Emma examine herself, as the purple drained from her eyes and she was left with sapphire blue ones. "Did you... did you get your powers back?"

Emma turned and thrust her hand forward. Nothing. She shook her head. "No, I'm still normal. Well, as normal as I'll ever be..."

I stood up and offered her my hand, pulling her up. Once she was on her feet, she didn't let go of my hand. I don't think she even noticed. Her body was shaking a little bit. I wrapped her in a hug.

"Hey, Emma, it's okay. I'm okay."

"But I could've KILLED you!" She pulled away from the hug, her grip on my hand remaining.

"You don't know that!" I reassured her. "Whatever that was, it's gone now. You don't need to worry about it, okay?" She nodded, biting her lip.

"I-I think I'll go look for some berries." She said turning to leave. I grabbed her wrist.

"Do you want help?"

"N-no, thank you..." I decided it was best not to push it. I nodded slowly.

"Okay, just... be careful."

"I've done it myself for sixteen years, I think I can manage." She snapped. She blinked and drew back from her own words as if she had gotten shocked. "S-sorry. I'll be fine. Thank you." She absently scratched her left arm and walked out of the cave.



Emma: The Glow Within (Book 2, HTTYD Fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant