Party it up!

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I got out of my car and walked up to William right away.

"Hi Jessie"William said smiling and looking around the place.

"Hi dude,you ready to party"I said all excited.

"Ofcourse i am"He said.

We walked in while great music was bleasting trough the speakers and people were dancing.

"What's up with you and Danny?"Will asked.

"What do you mean"I said not knowing what he meant i mean he might have seen us flirting a little bit.

"You guys fancy eachother?"Will asked curious.

"No way it's way to early to say fancy anyway, we were just flirting a little"I told him asking myself how far i liked him and if it was all reality or i was just imagining stuff.

"OOh such a nice song"He said and he started dancing what made me laugh.

I joined him it was nice to just dance and not think about the rest of the stuff we talked about.He came up to me closer while dancing i loved it.He whispered in my ear You want a drink?.

"Yes i'd like that"I said.So he went away to get a drink while i got lost in the music.He came back as the weirdo i got to know from day one.He handed me the drink and started dancing next to me again.We got into this weird dance together wich was so much fun i felt like such a close friend to him.I drank my drink and it got kinda late but i didn't wanna go home.

"You had a nice drink,It's getting late tho"William said.

"I know yes the drink was nice i don't wanna leave yet but we gotta go tho"I said.

"Yes let's go out now than"He said.

"Okay"I said.

So we went out the club together and talked there.

"How do you feel now?"He asked.

"Good why you asking that?"I asked smiling.

"Cause i saw that you're a little confused you excited for tommorow?"He asked.

"yes i was a little confused but it's nice to have a friend like you"I said.

We said our goodbye's gave eachother a kiss on the cheeck and left i had such a nice time that i forgot everything i worried about.

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