At the restaurant

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We all where at the restaurant the girl who served us in the morning came towards us. 

"Hello guys,Can i help you?"The lady asked. 

"A table for four please"Tom said. 

"Ofcourse you can follow me"She said.We all walked behind her as she pointed out a nice table the table was close to the music. 

"Thank you"I said she looked at me and she smiled i knew there was something she wanted to tell me but she kept her mouth shut. 

"You wanna ask Jessie something?"Danny said.Apperently i wasn't the only one who spotted that she wanted to ask me. 

"Uum well"She said. 

"It's fine tell me!"I said. 

"Jessie is a cool girl you can ask her your question"Will said. 

"Yes but i'm not allowed to do this while i am working"She said.We all looked around there where just a few tables filled and they all got someone to take there order. 

"There not that much people and they all got someone takibg there order"Tom said. 

"Okay well..."She said. 

"Don't be nerveous!" I said trying to help her a little bit.The guys where all smiling because of me and the girl. 

"I wanted to ask if i could get your autograph and make a picture with you i'm a fan"She said. 

"Sure,i love meeting fans this way"I said.We took a picture and i signed her little book where she wrote down the orders.Than she took or orders and we where alone again music was on softly. 

"So you guys like the studio"Tom said with his low voice. 

"Yes it's dubble times dope"Will said.We all shared a laugh while two people walked up to our table.One blonde lady and a guy. 

"Hi,he was right!"The guy said. 

"Yes he was right"The blonde girl said. 

"Who are you guys?"Tom asked as polite as possible. 

"I am Holly and this is Reggie"The blonde girl(Holly) said. 

"We just needed to say hi we're the hosts"Reggie said. 

"Okay nice to meet you guys"Danny said.We all stood up to say hello and greet them. 

"Nice Holly now i'm not the obly girl" i said smiling. 

"I am sorry we gotta go again but nice to meer y'all aswell" Holly said.She gave me a high five and they left.

We were all quiet for a few minutes,i couldn't help it looking over to Danny who sat there so cute.Will.I.Am spotted it and started to talk again

"Are you okay Jess and Danny?"Will asked.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            "Yes why would you think i am not okay?"I asked i was a little scared Will saw trough me.  

"No reason"Will said.

Danny's pov:                                                                                                                                                             I was still quiet hoping i wouldn't say something wrong,i mean Will could see me staring at Jessie.I wasn't tired yet but thinking how to get away before i do or say something wrong.

"Tom,Danny you guys are quiet"I said

"I know i am just a little tired"Tom said

"Me too"Danny said.

We all finished our dinner and kept talking for a while once in a while i stared around they're faces.

"I gotta go alarm early tommorow"Tom said.

"I gotta go aswell Mark and Glenn expect me"Danny said.

We all said goodbye and hugged than it came down to William and me.

"So now we're the only one's left you tired already?"Will said

"Nope i'm not tired fast anyways,how about you?"I said

"I wanted to go party,cause i'm always late at home you wanna join me?"he asked.

"Why not i like to party and your nice"I said.

"You follow me with your car i know a nice place"William said smiling big.

"Sure"i said smiling back not knowing where i got myself into.

We both went to our car i was thinking about the rest of the day especially about how cute Danny was and how i was gonna fight this feelings all the time.We drove to a club.

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