"You two had another fight over who was going to hold him, right?" I said, crossing my arms.

 "No." Caitlin said.

 "We...would do no such thing." Alex hesitated.

 "Alex, you hesitated. You two are so childish." I was worried about Blight. He could be anywhere. "Now, you're going to help me find him. Go!" I instructed.

 It was funny watching them hurry out of the house to find him. I ran out of the house to, forgetting I was in my pajamas. I didn't have time to change so I had no choice but to stay dressed in my PJ's. I called out Blight's name a couple of times but it was no use. I couldn't see him anywhere. I noticed that, all the people who walked past me were staring at me like I was a mad girl in pajamas but I didn't care, I just needed to find Blight an bring him back home.  
I carried on searching the streets and behind the bushes but I still didn't find him. I looked inside a shop and saw the clock, it was 12:04ppm. I had to go to work in about less than two hours. I walked past a big bush and heard some rustling. I was hoping it would be Blight but when I went behind them, I saw a man peeing. I jumped back and the smell made me want to puke. I almost did but the feeling faded away. 
The roads were really busy, cars were everywhere. I hope he's okay. I crossed the main road and leaned back onto the tree and tried to think. Where would I go if I were a cat?


 "Blight?" I said. I slowly walked behind the tree and I found Blight and his tail was wrapped in a white cloths. But he wasn't alone.

 "Excuse me, but that's my cat. Please may I-" I didn't finish the sentence when I saw the person. "Jordan?" What was he doing here.

 "This is your cat?" He asked.

 I nodded my head.

 "You're lucky. He could have been killed by that huge truck." He said, pointing at a big truck that was driving away. "You should take better care." He said, rudely. 

 He handed me Blight and I gave Blight a big cuddle, avoiding his tail. Jordan's shirt was ripped from the bottom.

 "Thanks." I said, quietly.

 But he was gone. I called out to him but couldn't spot him anywhere. I never would have guessed that Jordan was a animal lover. Maybe he isn't so bad after all. I bet, when you get to know him he's a great person.  

Blight was curled up in my hands. He was meowing and I knew because his tail was in pain. I took him home and I explained what happened to him to dad. He was glad Blight was alright. He was also laughing because I went to search for Blight in my pajamas. Dad told me to take Blight to the vet to put a bandage on his tail. He gave me a address and told me that he already signed up for it. Some parents are so organised and prepared. Before I left the house I rushed to my bedroom and changed out of my PJ's and quickly wore my black skinny jeans and a purple top and my cardigan and picked up my cat and ran out of the house. It wasn't difficult finding the vet because it was just across the road. I entered the vet and walked up to the counter, where there was a lady. 

 "My cat...run over by a truck...I mean his tail." I said, out of breath. I rested for a few seconds on the chair and stood up again with full energy. "Sorry, my cat was outside and the truck drove over his tail. A man wrapped his shirt on his tail." I explained.

 "Please write you name here." She said and I did. "Please wait. I will inform the vet." Said the lady at the counter.

 "Thank you." I said and sat down.

 Blight was meowing in pain and it made me want to cry to see him in so much pain.

 "Abbey Adams." Called out the lady at the counter. "Please go through that door over there." She pointed at room two, which was on my right and I entered the room.

 There was a man, who wore a suit and gloves. His hair as white and he had a moustache. He was taller than me and much older than me too. I knew he was married because he was wearing a ring on his ring finger.

 "Hello, I'm Mr. White-side, you must be Abbey."

 I nodded my head.

 "What's the problem."

 I showed him Blight tail and explained what happened. He examined it and slowly unwrapped the ripped shirt.

 "Hmm." He said. "Nothing I cant handle. If you don't mind, but for this surgery, please wait outside." I exited the room and gulped. Surgery?

"Miss Adams." I heard my name.

 I turned around and saw Blight. I got out of my seat and ran towards him. He had a blue bandage on his tail and he seemed to be in a good mood to. The vet placed him in my hands and I gave Blight a kiss on his head. I was ecstatic, knowing that he was fine and that they wern't going to cut his tail off.

 "Thank you so much." I said, shaking his hands.

 Mr. White-side told me how much I had to pay. He handed me a paper and I slipped it into my front pockets on my jeans and carried Blight home.


I entered the house and saw those two babies sitting on the sofa, stuffing themselves with popcorn watching a movie. They were to hypnotized by the TV to notice me come inside. I walked over to the TV and switched it off. They started to moan and throw popcorn at me.

"What do you guys think you're doing?" I asked.

 "Watching TV." Answered Caitlin. "Oh, you found Blight."

 "Is he hurt?" Asked Alex, getting up to stroke him.

"He was but he's fine." I said, happily. "No thanks to you." I added.

I could see the guilty looks on their faces.

"Alright, I forgive you." I finally say, and Alex and Caitlin sigh with relief. "Just don't do it again." I said and they agreed.


It was 13:00 and I got dressed to go to work. I packed extra clothes, just in case. After what happened last time, i'm not taking any chances. I ate a packet of crisps and gave Blight a kiss and went to work. I told Alex to drop me off by my car. I didn't want Blight to run away again because of their fights.  

I arrived there at exatly five minutes before two. Normally we would have been there less than half an hour but today there was traffic. I thanked Alex and rushed inside the building. I signed my name at the counter and entered the lift.  
It stopped on floor two and I wanted to go to floor five. The door opened and a group of men walked inside, leaving me to be mashed potatoes in the corner. One of the men was Jordan. I glanced at him and he glanced at me too but he seemed the same as everyday, rude and bossy. I rolled my eyes at him but he didn't see. The elevator paused again on floor three. All the men evicted the lift, leaving me alone with Jordan. We were standing in each corner not making eye contact.  
Jordan leaned over to the buttons on the elevator and pushed the number one button. Then I leaned forward and pushed number five. After that he pressed number one again and I pressed the number five and that just left us both clicking the numbers again and again until the lift couldn't take it anymore. It started to shake and stopped moving. We were stuck in the lift. But that wasn't the worst bit, I was stuck with him.


Okay, I know this might be a boring chapter. The next chapter is going to be better. So as always, tell me what you think. Good or Bad? voting and fanning would mean a lot but you don't have to.

Random Q-

Q1. What do you think is going to happen? Do you think they are going to argue or get along?

Q2. One of them is afraid of lifts, which do you think is afraid? Jordan or Abbey?

Opposites Don't AttractTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon