Pitch Perfect

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[This is edited. So there may be some changes]

A questionable debate squeezed itself into the conversation between the signs. Now, the boys must fight for their pride and the girls' with their's.


[Virgo's POV]

I walked inside the living room holding a laundry basket with our clothing in it, only to see my friends basically doing nothing like a group of domesticated cats. 'As always' I sighed as I looked around the room. Cancer and Pisces were talking; Aries, Leo, and Gemini were playing Jenga; Aquarius and Sagittarius, with their laptops, were playing Mortal Kombat to see who could be the 'deadliest and fiercest person alive. Ever.' (she snorted at that), and the rest were just sitting in the couch reading or doing nothing.

"Hey, uh, I just finished doing the laundry. So please, please, please don't leave your clothes lying on the floor!" I said placing the laundry basket in one corner before sitting down besides Capricorn.

"God damn it! The tower fell down! People up there, why must you do this to me?!" Leo whined over the now knocked over tower of wooden blocks.

"Well if you would have picked the other block then you might have had the chance to win!" Gemini snapped at her. Aries was just rolling on the floor laughing.

"So that means I win!" she laughed at both of them, "Beat that, suckers!" She continued while doing her 'victory dance', only to get a comment from Gemini that she looked like a baboon that was out of it's cage.

A small smile made its way to my face as I watched them do their usual crazy antics. 'Idiots' I thought, but was brought out of it by a sudden outburst.

"Hah! Yeah right, you may often win at that game" Taurus smirked "but we know you're not good at singing." he continued, receiving a glare from Aries.

"Who said I wasn't good in singing?" Aries fired back.

"Me, duh."

"Psh, with your low ass voices, I don't think you're even capable of singing happy birthday!" Aquarius shouted, setting her game controller down.

"Hey!" All the boys exclaimed, making all of us jump.

Sagittarius mocked her by repeating what she said in a high pitched manner that made me cringe.

"Oh yeah? Since girls have very squeaky voices, you girls can scare mice away!" Capricorn shouted.

A chorus of "Ha!"'s were heard from the boys with the exceptions of the girls denying what they just said.

I smirked at the boys as I saw the fire grow in the eyes of the girls.

Oh, they're gonna pay.

[3rd Person's POV]

The zodiac signs continued their loud ranting, shouting, and fighting. They were so distracted, they didn't see a small, brown headed boy climb inside using their window.

"STOP!" Shouted the trespassing boy boy. The zodiacs' arguments dropped as they stared at him.

"You guys wanna see who's the better singer?" He continued with a mischevious smirk, "Then, I invite you to a riff off!" Every zodiac stared wide eyed at the boy which, of course, had a name, Ophiuchus.

"Wait, what? How the hell did you even get in here?!" Taurus questioned, some nodding in agreement.

Ophiuchus simply just waved his hand dismissively, "That doesn't matter right now. Are you guys up for the challenge?" Worried glances were cast in his way. Libra put a hand on his hip, "What the fuck man? A challenge? We aren't stupid! For all we know, you're a serial killer!"

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