Another Tag!

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Hey there! I have been tagged once again. But this time I got tagged by Sukey14. Anyways, lets get this started!

Q#1: Do you watch anime?
I am a certified otaku trash xD

Q#2: What's your favourite anime?
There's too much for me to narrow it down. But I guess I'll name a few? Let's see, Fairy Tail, Danganronpa (although I'm outdated as shit), Attack on Titan, Free!, One Punch Man, Your Lie in April, Koe no Katachi (yes, this isn't an anime but a movie, I included it here anyways), Soul Eater, etc.

Q#3: Do you like fanfics?
Who doesn't love them? I read some fanfics about my OTP'S xD

Q#4: What is your OTP?
Good question... I have so many that I can't choose.

Q#5: What is your favorite color?
Dark violet, black, blue, and red.

Q#6: What is your favorite book? (Can be on wattpad)
My mom bought me a book for christmas and now I am obsessed with it. It's called, "The school for Good and Evil" by Soman Chainani. I have all three books memorized by heart and am excited for the 4th book that is coming out soon!

Q#7: What do you think of my story My Sad Song so far?
I had read your book and I think it's really good. I hope Jaymi would reach her dreams!

Q#8: Do you like Frozen?
Ok, for all of the Frozsn fans out there, please don't hate me on what I am going to say. I really really REALLY hate Frozen. I used to love it, until the song Let it go was played over and over again, little kids debating whether who is Elsa or who is Anna, plus my classmates with their terrible singing. (_ _") But I do have a 3 year-old cousin who is addicted to Frozen. I have to fake a smile just to make her happy when she tries to tell me things from it or when we roleplay.

Q#9: Do you wanna build a snowman?
No. Get away from me Anna ._. I don't ever wanna see you or hear you sing...

Q#10: Do you like to sing?
A big yes to that. I don't like people hearing me sing though. I hum to myself quietly whenever I want to sing, because I don't really have a great voice xD And when I am alone singing then someone walks inside, I instantly shut up.

Q#11: Do you play an instrument?
Nope. But I really wanna learn on how to play the violin when I came upon Lindsey Stirling's Youtube account.

Q#12: Do you have any pets? How many?
We only have one dog. The breed is Japanese Spitz and we love him so much T-T

And lastly... Q#13: Do you like Dr. Who?
I don't know... I haven't watched it yet. I don't even know what the show is about.

Tagged people and Questions:
Just gonna tag some random people here. It's ok even if you don't answer the questions here.

















1. Do you like waffles?

2. What is the first thing your eyes land on when you look around?

3. Best thing that ever happened to you?

4. Do you believe in forever?

5. What is the game that you are currently addicted?

6. Would you marry a someone who is cold, heartless, rich, and very smart. Or would you marry a guy who is sweet, poor, dumb but loves you with all of his/her heart? Why?

7. If you could go to the anime world, what anime would you want to enter? (One only!)

8. What was the thing you wanted the most when you were a child?

9. Do you still sleep with teddy bears?

10. Anime or Manga? (One only!)

11. Mood you are feeling today?

12. Do you like saving your money or completely go on a shopping spree until you are broke?

13. Biggest fear?

14. Do you sleep in your own room or do you share a room with your siblings?

15. What is the thing you would say when you look at yourself in the mirror?

That's pretty much it... Tag me if you guys answer these questions!

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