Honey, I'm pregnant!

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I'm alive!!! And I finally have the motivation to write another scenario xD I apologize for my laziness... Anyways, this scenarios will be all about the zodiac couples! It will show the boys reaction to their wives being pregnant! Hope this scenario can make up for all of the months I haven't updated... ^^"

| Taurus x Pisces |

"Uhm... T-Taurus, I have something important to tell you..." Pisces trembled as she drew a shaky breath.

Taurus stopped and looked at his shaking spouse, "What is it, babe?"

The girl looked down and fidgeted with the hem of her shirt, "It's, ummm... How do I say this..." Taurus rose an eyebrow while cocking his head to the side.

Pisces closed her eyes and took a deep breath, "Babe, I-I'm pregnant..."

Silence enveloped the room. Taurus stood still, unblinking which made Pisces worry even more.

"Taurus...?" The fish sign asked, worry lacing her words.

"Y-y-you're pregnant...?" He stuttered, as she bit her lip and nodded frantically.

"And I'm the father?" He asked once more and she just nodded.

Taurus ran up to her and wrapped her in a hug, kissing her forehead.

"YESSSSSS!!!" He screamed in ecstasy, as he brought down his lips to kiss hers. "I promise you that I will become the best father for our family."

She giggled, her anxiety and worry fading away completely, "I'll take you up on that..."

But suddenly, he pulled back from the hug, earning him a curious glance from his wife.

"Since you are pregnant, you are not allowed to eat foods with too much oil and sugar, you should exercise everyday, no midnight snacks, no over-eating either! Plus..." He continued his long list of rules and regulations.

Pisces sighed, this was going to be a long 9 months...

| Gemini x Aries |

"Gem, I'm pregnant." Her tone was flat and straightforward, which almost made him choke on his coffee.

"Isn't it too late for an April Fools joke?" He replied, coughing and pounding his chest.

"I am serious!" She replied, waving her hands.

"Oh haha, very funny. I have to admit, you almost got me there!"

"I said I am not joking!"

"Oh yeah, prove it!"

With that last sentence, she hurried towards the bathroom to retrieve something.

Aries practically shoved the pink pregnancy test on Gemini's face, "See! I told you I wasn't joking!"

He took it and examined it carefully, but upon seeing the red positive sign, his jaw dropped.

"This-This isn't a joke...?" He stuttered, and she merely replied with a slight nod.

With that, he fainted.

| Capricorn x Virgo |

"Gah! I'll be late!" Screamed a distressed Capricorn.

"Where are the damn keys?!" He shuffled through papers, and lifted sofa cushions, yet no sign of his car keys.

"Cap, calm down. And can you please sit down for a minute? I have something to tell you..." Virgo calmly stated, her voice softening at the end of her sentence.

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