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Hey guys! Sorry for the delay, but as you guys know, I will be graduating this March. So school is my top priority right now... I need to pass the NAT test in order to excel in the next grade. And I am sorry if I don't update much like other authors do... Anyways, I realized I was only focusing in one-shots, so I decided to make this one a scenario! As an apology, I made a long chapter! Hope you guys enjoy and forgive me!!!

(P.S. This chapter is mainly focused on Gemini, Capricorn, Cancer, and Sagittarius)
Sagittarius stood up, still drowsy from his sleep. He stretched his arms wide and inhaled deeply.

He smiled, it always gave him a good mood whenever he smelled eggs, pancakes, and bacon downstairs.

And of course, he didn't want to be left out in the breakfast feast, he stood up and went downstairs, rubbing his eyes.

Sagittarius inhaled, the smell of food getting stronger and stronger in each step he took.

Once he is inside the living room, he quickly went inside the kitchen.

Sizzling and constant shouting were heard inside, but he didn't care. All he was looking forward to was to see the food and to eat it.

He pulled up a chair and sat on it, letting out a loud yawn while doing so.

"Good morning!" The bubbly Cancer greeted, holding a plate of stacked pancakes and a bottle of syrup.

"Good morning..." He groggily greeted back.

Sagittarius reached for a fork and knife. Spreading butter and syrup all over his pancake, took a slice, and let himself fall into cloud nine.

"Mmm... Delicious as always. Thanks Cancer." He raised his fork, Cancer turned away from the stove and humbly bowed.

"You're welcome. It is my duty after...- Hey!" She shouted and whacked the spatula on poor Gemini's head.

"Ouch, that wasn't a nice way to say 'good morning'..." Gemini moaned, rubbing his head.

"Well, I would've greeted you properly if you didn't try to steal a piece of bacon!" She playfully shouted, and raised her spatula, threatening to hit Gemini again.

Sagittarius gave a hearty laugh, covering his mouth to avoid spilling his food.

Gemini took another plate and sat right across Sagittarius, both of them engaged in a normal conversation.

Later, Capricorn came down and soon enjoyed breakfast with the three of them.

Everyone talked, enjoying each and every conversation they had. But minutes has passed, and all four of them were already cleaning up. The other signs still hasn't woken up yet.

"Hmm... That's strange, usually Pisces, Leo, Aries and Libra would be up by now..." Cancer wondered.

"Yeah, it's very unlike them to oversleep," Capricorn also commented.

The curiosity was killing them, why are the other signs still sleeping, when it was already pass 10?

"Ummm... I can wake them up. Maybe they were so caught up in their dreams..." Gemini volunteered.

"Good idea! Faster up before the food gets cold," Sagittarius smiled, making hand gestures.

Gemini quickly went upstairs quietly and opened the nearest room loudly, which belonged to Taurus.

"Hey dude, wake up! Now's not the time to..." He shut his mouth, no one was inside.

"Playing tricks now, are we?" He smiled, Gemini loved games. Especially when it is a surprise.

Zodiac Sign ScenariosTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang