Smol bit of fluff

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Gee was in the kitchen wearing his favorite Christmas sweater as he mixed batter for cupcakes. He hummed along to the music coming from the lounge and swayed his hips a bit. He felt a pair of arms wrap around his waist and smiled as Frank pressed a soft kiss to his cheek. "Hey baby, what's up?" Frank smiled setting his head down in the crook of Gerard's neck. "'M making cupcakes." Gerard giggled and dipped his finger in the batter smearing the sweet substance on Frank's nose.

Frank giggled and dipped his hand in the batter before smearing a large amount across Gerard's face. "Frank!" Gerard gasped at the cold sensation. Frank laughed and turned Gerard around setting him on the counter so he was facing Frank and pressed his lips against Gerard's soft ones. He smiled into the kiss as he gave a soft squeeze to Gee's hips causing a small squeak to erupt from the chubbier boy. Gerard pulled away and hugged Frank tightly for a while.

After cleaning up the batter and finally baking the cupcakes the two boys lay on the couch watching old Christmas movies and feeding each other the chocolate cupcakes with peppermint icing Gerard had prepared. Gee yawned and buried his head in the crook of Frank's neck. "Daddy 'm sleepy." He mumbled against the soft skin of Frank's neck. Frank held Gee tighter and pulled a fluffy blanket over them. "I love you Gee." Frank kissed Gerard's hand and listened to the soft snores coming from his baby boy's mouth.

A/N: Well hello guys, how are you? Hope you're all having happy holidays and stuff (~•-•)~

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