0.1 - shy boy

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Selena's P.O.V

I opened the double doors of the main school building and walked down the hallway, making my way to my locker. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes every time a guy winked at me or wolf whistled.

I'm not that popular, but I have alot of friends and I'm definitely not the ugliest person in the world.

You know how first impressions are usually entirely wrong? Well that's what you get with me. Because I wear shorts, skirts and, sometimes, short belly tops, people think I'm one of them rude, bitchy and completely self-centered whores. But I'm not.

I take pride in how caring and thoughtful I am, it makes me feel good to see people happy. Especially, when I'm the reason they're happy.

I smiled to myself at the thought.

"Sel!" Someone called me name.

I turned my head and saw one of my friends, Amy. Her bright red hair, swung to and fro around her shoulders as she jogged over to me.

I took out my art folder and shut my locker door. She reached me and threw her arms around me, embracing me in a bone crushing hug.

"Hey girl! I haven't seen you in so long!" She squealed, releasing me.

"Amy, you were at my house last night" I laughed softly.

"Yeah, so?"

I simply shook my head and re positioned my bag on my shoulder. She giggled and took my hand, dragging me towards our first class as the bell rung. First we had Art.

We stepped into the class room and took our seat. I sat at the back whilst Amy sat up in the front row. We usually get to pick where we want to sit, but our teacher told Amy she must sit at the front every lesson because she kept interrupting the class.

I put my folder on the table and took out a pencil, placing it next to the big black file of my paintings and drawings. I'm not the best artist in the world, but I'm not bad either. If I draw something, you can work out what it is, that's as good as I can do.

Miss Dawson walked in and set her bag down next to her desk. She looked up and scanned the room, like she was checking to see if everyone was here. She was quite a simple lady, nothing seemed to ever excite her.

She cleared her throat and tucked a loose hair behind her ear. "Alright everyone, as you already know, we're concentrating on taking emotions and putting them onto paper. We started working on it last lesson, so today we will continue. I've seen some lovely pieces forming and I'm pleased with how well you all have taken on this task. When you're ready, you can begin" She nodded and sat down at her desk, letting out a long breath.

I picked up my pencil and opened up my folder, flipping through the pages to find the last one I was working on.

After several minutes of drawing random squiggles on the page, the classroom door opened, making my head shot up to see who it was.

"Justin, you're late" Miss Dawson frowned, speaking calmly. She was never one to raise her voice, even when she was angry. She was always a cool and collected person.

"I-I know, I'm so sorry! I was just- um.." He fiddled with his fingers, looking down.

Justin's always been a shy boy, I can't blame him though. No one, expect teachers, are nice to the poor kid. I don't think he even has one friend and he's always sitting by himself.

He seems like a sweet and caring guy, but I've never really spoken to him much. Only a few times when I've asked him what the answer was on a hard question or politely asking him to move out of my way.

"It's fine, Justin. Just take a seat"

He nodded and walked down the aisle of desks, his head hung low. He sat down at the desk behind me and sighed.

I don't think I've ever seen him smile, he just walks around heavy-footed and ignores everyone the best he could. Although it's hard when he's being thrown around all the time and being called names.

I know you're thinking 'well why the hell haven't you helped this poor, innocent kid?', but I've tried. I've saved him from a few beatings, but he just gets it even harder the next day. There's nothing I can do.

I felt someone tap my shoulder lightly and I turned around to face Justin. He took his hand back quickly at my sudden movement.

"I-I'm realy s-sorry to bother you, but d-do you have an extra pencil I-I could borrow? Mine got ta-taken away and I d-don't have any more" He stuttered.

I nodded and pulled my extra pencil out from my bag. "Sure, here ya go"

"Thanks" He replied in a whispers.

"So who took yours?" I turned around a little more, to take some of the strain from my neck.

He shuffled nervously in his seat. "I-I'm not sure I can s-say.."

I nodded, letting the subject go. "Okay, well you can keep the pencil"

He nodded and begun to draw. I let out a loud sigh and turned back around, continuing to work.

Why does everyone hate Justin so much? I mean, sure he's shy and he's actually quite smart, but that's no reason to bully someone. Justin seems like such a nice kid, it's just no one's ever given him a chance to prove it.

Why haven't his parents done anything about it? Do they know he gets bullied everyday?

How haven't the teachers noticed anything? The always talked about how they'll always keep a look out for bullies, but no one's ever gotten caught.

Everyone just ignores the fact that Justin is a human being too and he shouldn't be treated like this. He's even afraid to talking to other people, in fear of getting hit or yelled at.

Questions spun around my head, making it harder for me to concentrate on my work. The sound of the bell ringing snapped me out of my daze and signaled it was time for next lesson. I put everything back into my bag and walked out of the classroom, heading for my locker to change my books.

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