Chapter 6: Reminiscing

Start from the beginning

Excuse me?” I questioned, tears springing to my eyes.

We are done. Good luck with that.” He crinkled his nose as he looked at my small stomach.

I thought you loved me? I thought you'd said we'd be together forever.”

Our whole relationship was a joke. I don't love you, never have. I just wanted to see how far I could get with you. Everything I said was a complete and utter lie. Now, go wash your face; you look like a raccoon.” He walked away, leaving me heartbroken.

His face wrinkled in disgust. “I'm so sorry about that. From the deepest part of my heart. I never meant to hurt you. You are the only girl I have ever loved. Our whole relationship wasn't a lie. I just said that because I didn't know what else to do. I had to say something mean enough where you wouldn't try to stay together. I was forced to move and I didn't want to. I accept what I did to you and I know it was wrong. I just want to ask for your forgiveness. I would have loved our baby. I bet it would have been a girl and I bet she would have looked as beautiful as her mother. I don't want you to regret what you did, because I know it was a tough decision and I'm not mad at you for it.”

“I forgive you.” I whispered, crying softly. As our memories floated through my head, I remembered all the good times. I have always been in love with him. From the time we became best friends until now. “I wish I kept the pregnancy, but I can't dwell on that anymore. I have another life to live for.”

“Do you know what you're having?” He questioned.

“A girl. Only my mom and I know, well you do now.”

“How come you came back home?” He asked.

“Long story short, me and her sperm donor broke up. I will never let him see my baby.” I retorted with hatred flowing through my veins.

“Don't you think that's kind of harsh? No offense.”

“Well, he didn't abuse you or almost kill your baby.” I snapped. He gave me a questioning look, so I told him the whole story.

“I know you probably think I'm crazy for saying this, but if we ever got together, I would take care of her like she is my own, like how Jenny treats you.”

I smiled at the thought. “You're getting ahead of yourself.” I didn't want to move too fast and end up with a broken heart.

“I promise you, I will spend the rest of my life making up my wrongs for you.” He stated, looking in my eyes. I felt like he could see right through me. Soon our faces were inching closer until he pressed his lips to mine. Leaving his lips on mine, he whispered, “I love you, Cynthia. I always have.”

Dani's POV:

Hearing your dad has cancer is a lot to take in. I'm happy that the doctors are confident that he'll beat it but there is still that 'what if' in the back of my mind. As I sat on my bed, next to Gabi, my thoughts drifted to Kevin. Why did he have to be so cute? My phone beeped, letting me know I had a Facebook notification. One new friend request: Kevin Jackson. “What do you have that smile on your face?” Gabi questioned.

“Kevin Jackson added me on Facebook. The cute senior.” I replied, accepting his request.

“The bad boy of the school? I heard he is like twenty or something like that. He has a horrible reputation.” She retorted. “Speaking of boys, you never told me about that lunch date.”

My phone beeped again, with a new Facebook message from Kevin. I clicked it opened and read it. Can I have your number? Remembering he gave me his number, I decided not to reply to the message and instead, text him. Hey.

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