"You apologize too much Harry. Though my parents have money, I'm working to get my own. I'll buy my new car on my own, I already bought my house on my own. Even though my mom insisted on decorating it because she claims that it would have turned out horrible if I did it." Louis laughs at the thought of his mother picking out furniture for his house.

"Wow." Harry curses himself for not having something intelligent to say back, but then again he's still living at home, and he gets rides from his mother. Though he's lucky Louis turns up the radio and he smiles when he hears his favorite song.

"You like this song?" Louis questions, sneaking glances at the boy as he sung along to the lyrics.

Harry nods,"It's my favorite actually."

Louis smiles before singing along."Baby it's cold out there." Harry shakes his head, because he's not about to embarrass himself an further in front of Louis."Come on Harry. No cabs to be had out there." He sings again, while stopping at a red light.

Harry sighs before singing lowly."I wish I knew how."

"Your eyes are like starlight now." Louis grins, then reaches over to run his hand down Harry's face. It was supposed to be playful but Louis couldn't help but feel a certain way when their eyes locked onto each other.

"To break this spell." Harry whispers, his eyes still locked onto Louis'. He can't help but lean towards him in that moment, but Louis doesn't lean back because of a blaring car horn behind them.

He curses once before pulling off and resisting the urge to stick his middle finger up. This is the season to be jolly and merry Louis thinks, but he's a little pissed off at the moment. Harry only sits back in the seat, heart thumping wildly against his chest. He can't believe he'd just did that.

When they pull up to the park, Harry is the first one to climb out. He felt awkward because of the move he'd made, and Louis knew that. Louis had long since been out of his awkward stage and just rolled with what had happened. Instead he was just focused on making sure that it happened again.

"I should have worn more." Harry muttered, while stuffing his hands in his pockets. He looked over at Louis, who seemed to be taking the cold better than he was.

"Here," Louis unwrapped the scarf from around his neck,"You can use this." He holds the scarf out.

"No," Harry shakes his head."I'm fine really I wouldn't want you to freeze because of me Lou."

Louis just rolls his eyes and takes the few steps till he was in front of Harry. Reaching up he starts to wrap the scarf around Harry's neck, before he can object to it. When he's satisfied with how it looks he pulls away and smiles at Harry. He looks really cute wearing his things.

"You didn't have to do that." Harry blushes, eyes glancing down at the snow covered ground. A smile had slipped onto his face when he glanced back up at Louis.

"I wanted to though, you're warm right?" Louis asks, while looking over the boy. Harry just nods.

"Zayn left some gloves in the back if you want them?" Louis tells him, before reaching into the back seat of his car and pulling out a pair of plaid gloves. He hands them to Harry who immediately puts them on.

"You sure he won't mind?" Harry asks, even though he's already wearing the gloves.

Louis shrugs,"It's not like he's going to know."

Harry shrugs in return because it's not like the guy needed them at the moment, which he was sorta thankful for. Though he didn't get to dwell on that because Louis was taking his arm and leading him into the park. Harry knew for a fact that he wouldn't blush so much if Louis wasn't always touching him in some way.

"We should definitely build a snow man." Louis suggested, while pulling Harry to part of the park where people happened to be building them. Most of them were kids and their parents.

"Aren't we to old to be doing that?" Harry questions, as Louis tugs him over there.

"I make a snowman with my sisters every winter, I'm twenty-one and I still look forward to building one. So let's build a snowman." Louis smiles.

Harry grins,"Do you wanna buil-"

"No," Louis covers his mouth before he could even get the rest out."They murdered that song a week after Frozen came out. It's time to bury it and put it to rest."

Harry laughs out loud as Louis walks back over to begin building the snow man. He then walks over to help him because it's been awhile since he made one. Since he's been so busy working he's not been able to enjoy the snow. Sure he hates the cold but not the beauty of the season.

"Haven't had anyone to do this with in a while." Harry comments as he places the middle section on the bottom part Louis had just rolled up. Louis just listens instead of interrupting his thoughts."Ever since Gemma and Jewel went off to college it's been kind of lonely. My parents decided that they should have a break away from me this year and went on vacation. They never really enjoyed these kind of things anyway it was just me and my sisters."

"So you're alone this year?" Louis questions, while putting on the head, as Harry did the arms.

"Well I have Macy, she's my cat," Harry grimaces at how pathetic that must have sounded.

"You could always come to mines." Louis tosses out the hint, hoping he'd take the bait. Would it even be appropriate to ask someone you barely know to spend Christmas with you?

Harry smiles,"Thanks but I'll be okay. I've already taken up too much of your time, plus christmas isn't really for strangers to celebrate together." He frowns at that.

"Zayn, has a different girlfriend every Christmas. It really wouldn't bother anyone, plus they'd love to meet you." Louis offers, eyes shifting over to look at the boy. He frowns when Harry shakes his head.

"I'll be alright Lou. Hey look at the time, we need to get going before that light show starts." It's so obvious that he's trying to change the topic of the conversation, that Louis just goes with it.

"Yeah," Louis agrees, though his shoulders slump slightly as he follows Harry back to his car.

It's safe to say that Louis has to think of a better way to get him to spend Christmas, and possibly Christmas eve with him. Because just plainly tossing out hints at the boy isn't going to work. He's going to have to be a little less subtle about his intentions towards Harry. He only had tomorrow left to get his point across.

And if he can't think of an idea, it's safe to say that he won't be enjoying Christmas this year. Thanks to a dimpled boy, who has an odd obsession with gifts.

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