"I brought you some food." I say gently as I walk up to her.

"Go away. I'm pretty sure your guard dog doesn't want you around me." she snaps

"Good thing I don't care about what Jake wants right now." I say sitting down next to her and placing the plate in front of her, "Eat. That's the only thing I've heard the past few days. Now it's my turn to say it."

Leah starts eating but doesn't talk, so I decide to talk to her, "I remember this one time when I was little, my family and I were at a park having a picnic and I was being picky about eating so my dad promised me that if I had a hot dog, we could get snow cones. I was so excited about the snow cone, I ate the hot dog too quickly and vomited all over the rest of the picnic." I laugh, "Even after all of that, I still wanted the snow cone."

Leah just looks at me like I'm crazy but then she surprises me and asks, "What happen to your dad? I mean, we all know about your mom and her boyfriend but not your dad."

I sign, "My dad disappeared. I don't know what happen to him. When he disappeared, my mom just couldn't take it anymore and we moved here because of my mom's boyfriend."

"I know how that is." Leah sighs sadly, "At least my mom doesn't have an abusive boyfriend."

"Yeah." I say, "Leah, I just want you to know that I don't blame you. It honestly must suck being the only girl in the pack."

Leah smiles a little bit, "Sam being the alpha doesn't help."

"That has to be awful. I'm sorry about everything that's happen to you. Let me know if you need anything." I smile, "I hope someday we can be friends." then I stand up to leave.

"Justice, wait."

I turned around and look at her. She walks up and hugs me tightly. Surprised, I hug her back.

"Thank you." she says quietly


JJ just left to talk to Leah. Personally, I don't want her too. I want her to be here with the rest of the pack and get better. She actually ate today. I'm pretty sure it's just because the pack is here but I don't care.

"So Jake," Sam says interrupting my thoughts, "how's Justice?"

I sigh, "She's not great. She's puts up this front that she's getting better but I don't believe her."

"I told Jay that she just needs to break down. Stop trying to be so strong and just grieve." Emily chimes in

"That's a good idea." I agree, "but I'm not going to tell my girlfriend 'Hey break down because it might make you feel better'. She has to do it on her own."

"I just want my friend back." Lily says quietly. Embry wraps his arms around her and kisses her head.

"She'll get better." I say, looking out the window.

Jay is sitting down with Leah, talking to her. I can't hear what they're saying but I hope it's going well. I really don't feel like fighting Leah today, last time that happen, my imprint was kidnapped by a sadistic bloodsucker.

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