Chapter 30: Humans in Dugrai

Start from the beginning

When I finally looked up, the strange silver-haired elf was there -- the one with the dog at his side. He was standing next to the older robed woman, Rajah, speaking to the pack leader. Kerrigan was there, as well, all off speaking in hushed, likely silent, tones. Rajah and the silver-haired stranger nodded and walked away. Who was he? Was Zanek with him?

I'd give anything to see him past my closed eyes again.




The march from Dunbith to the forests had not been as terrible as we had anticipated.

The land was flat. I was familiar with the style. I had lived in the north, after all. Long before I'd found the army.

Having a mount may have helped the shorter feeling.

I rode beside the commander, as was my place, since the death of Trent. Except... this wasn't our command any longer.

In truth, we stood as two of only five in our unit who volunteered to aid Dugrai -- and five of only forty. The other three from our unit included Kent and Majors Herald and Res.

The Commander of Dunbirth rode with us. He looked over to me.

"You haven't been to the forest before, have you?"

"... No. Never so far north."

"And your brother?"

I glanced at Jason and back to the empty land before us. "I wouldn't know."

"You will enjoy it, I think," Herald's voice boomed from behind. "The change, at least."

I looked up and left to Commander Eritt, who had been quiet since leaving days before. We were nearer to the trees. I felt it in my bones; the shift was almost refreshing. The breeze was clear... the land showing. There were no enemies for leagues.

There had been mention of Grimmer in the north for months. There hadn't been many before. A few attacks when I was young, when war was first waged. Since then, only small incidences beyond Dunbirth.

Herald and Jason continued to speak of Dunbirth and of the Elves. Jason seemed to speak from experience. Herald, from tavern song. I looked to my commander as they spoke. He had been to Dugrai before. He'd met his wife in the Elven forest. Ana's mother.

That much we had to have guessed, for Eritt revealed nothing. Any more was written fairytale of our guesses. Eritt never spoke of the past; only the present -- for, as he said, the best knights see only what is before them, with quick hindsight, to remain on their feet.

It was likely Commander Eritt had the most experience with the Elves of all of us. And still, he remained silent.

Dusk neared; the sun was beginning to set to our left, hanging closer to the grey line of forest in the horizon. We were close.

Figures appeared from the thin line of shadow to meet us half a league from the thick, abrupt line of evergreens. The brother of... Zanek... and two others, both with dark, thick vests and a blade at each hip. I hadn't realized until then that I had not been in the best relations with these Elves.

The riders had dismounted. Jason greeted the Elves with firm holds as if they'd been friends for years. Eritt and the other commander present nodded in greeting.

"If you would follow us," the lead Elf had asked, not sparing a glance in my direction.

An Elf stood between each set of trees. The ancient sentinels.

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