Chapter 30: Humans in Dugrai

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I ran directly into battle, finding the Elves sorely at a disadvantage -- only five or six covered the front, with another seven guardians standing back under shade. I was disheartened -- wolves stood not a dozen paces from the struggle, and yet they did nothing. Were they suddenly blind?

I felt Erin near. Even when standing on two legs, I felt the hair raise on the back of my neck. A rush of emotion hit my chest; I was angry and I felt the crushing need to defend myself. Erin may as well have been before me again, lip and hackles raised against my efforts. He stood somewhere to my left, while the real threat, the metal-clad army, swallowed the bodies I'd gone to help

Sireth drew between my fingers and stole two lives in a single stroke. I didn't recognize any but one of the Elves that moved in the mass -- Tyrit. His silver hair was pulled back, his leather vest lined with knives. I looked around for a free target, off the chain of an Elf's sights, and took the opportunity.

"We'll need to keep them further away," I said both silently and aloud to whomever would listen from behind.

Another elf -- obviously older than Tyrit and the others -- moved up from the trees, close enough that I could see the fur coat over his back, but too far to involve himself in the conflict. His small eyes narrowed still in a sweeping look of my intrusive figure, and then he turned. The sound was faint but echoed in my mind, as with the others. "Se variaba, e coactisen de valenbasin."

I twisted to avoid a body as he turned again, and in very deep language that I didn't understand, spoke to another figure emerging from the shade.

A very faint, more animalistic cry sounded from overhead. I would have thought Grimmer -- but there, between sun and horizon, over black heads and grey skins, twisted the hawk-sized form of writhing muscle and webbed wings. The cry drew every elf's look.

Tyrit jumped in front of me and I stumbled back, out of the way of the fighters.

"Nareria se, cum valeo fui herentis."

I turned to see the two other elves sinking away. A hand touched my shoulder; I hadn't noticed someone behind me in watching the older Elf.

"Eta -- what--?"

"Save yourself for the real fight. This is just the test of the waters."

"... Test?"

"Do you see that?" Eta asked, pointing to the form in the sky far away. She didn't wait for me to respond. "That is Valeo, the Great of Dugrai. You shouldn't worry when he is near. He's tracking the others."

I looked up at the distant speck of writhing muscle and beating wing. The dragon's roar was carried faintly in our direction. "But... what is he doing in the Plains' territory?"

Eta gave me a sad smile. One an adult would give when unable to explain to a child. "You should come with me. Ashe was looking for you. Wanted to speak before the Kailin arrived," she said, staring forward. "I never really thought the Humans would chase their fight. It is only a few, though, I suppose.... Don't worry, Anaera," she said, catching my gaze again. "The Guardians are here. Nothing will come to our forests."

I followed her hesitantly. Was that the cause of the uneasy sense I had from the packs? That the Humans were coming to Dugrai? That had been making Eta very uneasy. But what turned my stomach was when she'd said Ashe had been looking for me. I heard his echoing apology again, but couldn't get it to settle well in my mouth. What could he possibly be apologizing for? Zanek Ashe had no faults.

I was stuck with the wolves for a long time. None that I knew.... At least, none that I'd traveled with. I sat and watched them, waiting, wishing I had more than second-hand information. Maybe that was what I missed most from our group: knowing every move and strategy before the backlines. Zanek must not have been looking too hard for me. He would've been sure I knew what was going on. Not that he cared anymore. I closed my eyes and dreamt of what Human reinforcements could possibly help us.

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