"Harry wake up I want my pizza." Niall joked making everyone laugh. I cracked a smile and looked at the sleeping angel. Suddenly his eyes fluttered open and he took in his surroundings.

"Lad! So nice to see you." Louis exclaimed, grinning.

"Marshmallows?" Harry asked making the boys nod.

"I'm sorry." I apologized quickly.

"It was all my fault. I didn't know that you were allergic. I'm really sorry I-"

"It's fine. I'm okay now." Harry interrupted me. The doctor came in and made some last check ups before he handed Harry his release form.

"Can he perform tomorrow?" Liam asked the doctor.

"Yea, that wouldn't be a problem but he needs to rest before the show."

We said goodbye and left to the car. Suddenly thousands of lights were flashing in my face. Paparazzi. I made a run for it and so did the boys until we were in the car safely.

I had to squeeze between Harry & Louis while Niall sat on the passenger seat, Paul was driving and Liam sat on the other side next to Louis.

I looked up at Harry who had his head leaned on the window.

"I'm sorry again." I whispered so only he could hear me.

"Stop apologizing Lia. I'm fine and you didn't know so it's okay."

I nodded and was silent for the rest of the ride. Everyone went their separate ways meaning that Harry & Liam went into their room and Niall, Louis & I went into ours.

"Pizza!" Niall exclaimed as he saw the pizza cartons on the table.

Louis texted Liam and within a minute we were all reunited again eating pizza, laughing and watching TV. What a day.


"Pie fight?" I asked Alec who was giving Mason a bottle with hot milk. It was the last show in London and our next stop was Newcastle.

"Yea, wouldn't that be funny?" He asked grinning. I'm glad that he can smile again and that he was trying his best to move on.

"I'm in!"

"Great! So when they sing 'What Makes You Beautiful' we'll run on stage and throw pies at them." Alec explained happily.

"This will be so funny!"

Currently, the boys were singing 'Kiss You' which means two songs until showdown. Alec gave Mason to my Dad and we placed all the pies on the side of the stage so we could throw one after another.

When they started singing 'What Makes You Beautiful' Alec had a huge smirk on his face as well me. I took a pie and saw Niall standing on the side. I took the chance and threw the pie as best as I could. It collided with the side of his face making him gasp and me laugh hysterically.

I then saw Alex throwing one at Louis who looked just as shocked as Niall.

I took two and threw them at Liam who screamed like a girl.

"You're gonna get it!" Niall said into the mic as he ran towards us but I quickly took two pies and ran towards Harry as I splashed them into his face.

Soon Louis & Niall threw pies at me while I threw some at Liam & Harry. Alec accidentally threw one in the crowd making me laugh even harder.

"LIA!" Alec screamed. I turned around and saw Louis with an evil grin. I ran and slipped but stood up immediately to ran away from him.

Suddenly I bumped into someone and the person landed on me. I looked up to see Harry hovering over me. I quickly turned to the side but luckily we were behind the drum set.

"Be careful." Harry smirked at me.

"Will do." I breathed out. His green eyes were burning into mine while he was on top of me. My breath hitched but I quickly restrained myself before I pushed Harry off of me and took the remaining pieces of pie from my hair to throw them on the back of Niall's head.


The band said goodbye to their fans and we made a run for it. Someone on the way threw towels at us and we ran to the tour bus where Ben was already waiting.

"This was so fun!" Louis exclaimed as he threw some whipped cream at Liam.

"I agree!" I squealed happily as I tried to remove the pie from my hair and face. I still felt the burning sensation of Harry on top of me. I didn't want to feel that way though.


Their moment on stage 🙌🏼

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