"We could go see X-Men The Last Stand. Emma and I have gone and seen it 3 times already but I'll go see it again." I say and he chuckles and lays down beside me.

"Sounds good to me." He says as I turn to face him,I take my arm and trace his tattoos.

"I love your tattoos. Have I ever told you that?" I ask and he looks at me.

"No but you should say it more often." He says with a smirk,causing me to slightly smile.

"Well let's go see that movie then." I say getting off the bed,and we both head out.

When we get to the movie theatre, he pays for both of our tickets,and buys us a popcorn.

"Jesus Stevie how much fucking butter you gonna put." He laughs as I drizzle butter all over the top of my popcorn.

"As much as I want to." I say with sass and smile up at him,and he just shrugs.

As the movie starts,I cuddle up against him,moving the arm rest in between us. He feeds me pieces of popcorn every minute or so,and when I look up at him he's smiling.

When the movie ends,we walk out of the theater hand in hand and my heart speeds up.

"I can see why that was your fourth time seeing that." He says and I giggle.

"Should we head over to Zackys and see everyone?" I ask and he nods and replies with sure.

When we get inside his house,everyone asks how we've been doing,even though it's only been a few days since we've seen them.

"We've been good." He says and wraps his arm around my waist,causing my cheeks to warm up.

"Wow you can still make her blush." Brian says and I glare at him,walking over to him and taking his fedora right off his head.

"Don't make me cut your hair while I'm at it Haner." I say with a smirk as I walk away with his fedora.

"Give it back." He laughs and hands his beer to Michelle.

"Your gonna have to come get it." I say,running into the kitchen.

"Matt save me!" I yell and Brian corners me in the corner of the kitchen.

"Give it back!" He yells,he's not mad though which is a good thing.

Matt comes up behind him,and I throw the fedora to him.

"What the hell thats not fare." Brian whines and Matt smiles.

"Alright fine Matt give it to him." I say with a sigh and Matt hands it over to him. He goes back into the living room,and Matt looks back over at me.

"You know what I haven't done in a while?" He asks me,stepping closer and closer.

"What?" I ask at first confused,but then I knew exactly what he meant.

His hand fly to my waist,and he begins to tickle me,and I playfully smack him.

"Matt don't you dare!" I laugh.

"Babe stop!" I yell again between a laugh and he smirks.

"You know I like it when you call me babe,I'll set you free this time." He says and let's me go.

Why Can't This Be Love (A7X/M Shadows Fan Fic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ