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Hey guys its me, I was wondering if after all these years you'd still read, my stories, I'm sooorry I haven't updated in a while. BUT THANK FOR ALL THE VIEWWWWS EVEN IF ITS JUST A FEWWWWW IT STILL MEANS A LOTT TOOO ME SO PLEASE KEEP READING MY STORIESSS.

*cough* well that was weird! Lol
Here's the next chapter you guys were most likely waiting for!

Levy's POV

I decided I wanted to apologize to Lucy as soon as possible, so after dinner I went to bed to get ready for the next day.

~speaking of the next day~

I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off.

I then quickly took a shower, brushed my hair and teeth, and ate breakfast.

"Okay mom I'm gone!" I shouted out to my mother as I walked out the door and grabbed my bag. (That should be the other way right? Nvm) "Alright have a nice day sweetheart love you!!"

As I was walking to school;since it wasn't that far from my house. I ran into my boyfriend, Gajeel. "Morning Gajeel" I said waving while I was walking towards him.

"Hey shrimp." Gajeel said. I hated when he called me shrimp!!!

"My name isn't shrimp!!! Why do you call me that anyway?!!"

"Yes it is and I call you that because you are short"

"I'm not short!!! IM FUN SIZED!!!" I yelled at him clearly frustrated with his nickname he gave me.


~Time skipero- lunch~

It was time for lunch and when I was about to sit, I saw natsu bring Lucy to our table.

When she saw me she said she had to go to the library because she had an overdue book.


"Oh come on can't that wait! Sit with us and eat!" Said natsu trying to convince Lucy to stay.

"I'm sure the librarian would mind. How overdue is your book anyway?" Asked Ezra. Lucy thought for a moment and finnaly spoke. "Its like...4 months overdue!!! I have to get this book back I'm sorry!" And before we could protest she ran off to the library.
What better time than now? "Hey I'm going to go with her. See you guys later!" And then went off to go find lucy at the library.

I saw her scanning through other books I'm guessing to find a new one.

"Hey" I said as I appeared behind her. I must have startled her because she jumped almost dropping the stack of books she was going to look over.

Lucy POV

After I returned my book, which I wasn't even done with just had to think of an excuse, I went to go find another book. I picked out several to look over then out of nowhere levy appeared and scared me.

"Hey" she said. I almost dropped my books but then recovered and placed them on a near by table. "Hi"

I really didn't want to talk to her right now....or later...or ever in that matter.

"List-" I was about to say something but she cut me off.
"Lucy I know what I did hurt you and you might not think it but it hurt me too. I was dumb and selfish...I didn't want anyone to think I'm a loser or to make fun of me. So I decided not to be your friend...I thought I could make better friends and have a better time with them. The truth is, although I did make other friends none of them could make me smile, laugh, and cry like you could. Lucy I'm so so so so sorry and I just want you to know that...even if you most likely hate me now, I really am truly sorry." And then she started sobbing.

Now I feel kinda bad. I mean she really looks sorry. And all I did was diss her off. *sigh*

"Hey its alright. I forgive you And I dont hate you." I said while putting my hands on her shoulders. "In fact let's just forget about the past and focus on the future." I put my hand out and introduced myself.

"Hi. I'm Lucy nice to meet you." I can see a smile forming on her lips. Then she grabbed my hand and shook it. "Hi, levy mcgarden, would you like to be....friends?"

"Of course!"

And we continued on our day talking and reading through books. Forgetting all about lunch. Forgetting all about our past.

Hi guys I know this isn't a very interesting chapter and other authors do a wayyyy better job than this but...I'm learning!!! Please comment on the story I could use some tips or...something idk!!!!!

Anyway I'm so happy I have 17 followers!!!!

I know what you probably thinking. "17 followers well that's not a lot why u getting all worked up on it?ಠ_ಠ"

Yeah well its a lot to me and if u think that( ̄^ ̄) u iza meanie.

Anyway like I said I'm grateful even of its not a lot I'm just happy that you guys stuck around and even though I'm not updating as much as I should please cut me some slack!!! I got exams to study for and I gotta keep these grades up!!! Just thank you for being patient!!!

I dont own fairy tail all goes to the one and only Hiro Mashima!!!!! But I own this story!!!

I made it up myself!ヘ( ̄ω ̄ヘ)

Some meanie: wow you must be so talentedヾ(゚∀゚ゞ)ಠ_ಠ

Me: yeah I am and you are not dont hate honey!!!


bai me homies!!

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