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Hi everyone! I decided to make a chapter about everyone's  point of view on Natsu and Lucy! Why? Because I was bored! └|゜ε゜|┐

Ask Gray

Hey Gray! Tell me what do you think about natsu?

Natsu? Oh you mean that dufuss? Hahaha I think he's a hot headed dense loser!

How would describe him?

Didn't I already answer that question? He doesn't help anyone I mean the guys a complete jerk and he doesn't even know it!

How would you describe your relationship with natsu?

Even though he's a complete jerk and a loser, he's still my friend I mean we always fight now-and-then but I'll always be there for him and I know its the same for me. I mean I hope it is. Can I go home now?

Ask Erza

Erza!!! How you've been?

First Question? Easy! I've been doing well.

That's great! Any way...tell me want you know about lucy.

...I'm sorry who?

Ya know lucy! FTA biggest "loser"?

Oh! That lucy! Um well I know that she is smart and have a very thin wall with Lisanna. I don't know why.

Do think you'll ever be able to be friends with lucy?

Well...I've never considered it overall think about it but...I'd be friends with her if I had the chance. She's just ya know shy!  I'm sure if she wasn't wed be friends already!

Alright erza thank you for coming!

Oh no thank you for having me it was a pleasure!

Ask Levy

Hi Levy imma ask you about both natsu and lucy, you don't mind do you?

Oh of course I don't mind I'm perfectly fine with it!

Good! Have you ever met lucy before? Past,Present, anything.

Lucy...oh yeah! When we were still in junior high! Yeah I dropped my books and she helped me pick them up. We talked every now and then but then we just grew distant.

Do you know the reason why? Tell the truth levy...

*sigh*  I started hearing bad things about her and people stated making fun of her. I didn't want to be made fun of too. I was embarrassed being around her. So I stopped talking to her . I felt horrible. I was her friend and I -I ...

Its okay notreallythough let's talk about natsu.

Yeah ok.

Ok what do consider natsu as?

I mean my boyfriend Gajeel ヘ( ̄ω ̄ヘ) is one of his best friend and I guess that made our connection greater to! Were good friends now!

Ok levy thank you and hope you are able to be friends with lucy again

Yeah me too

Ask Lisanna

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