Chapter 1: New City, New School, New Job

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Suho shook his head, "It's my fault my brother acts like that. Maybe if I talked to father and ..."

Baekhyun cut him off, "Suho you can't change Jongin's ways. No one can. He will always be a playboy."

Kyungsoo got up and excused himself before leaving the room while looking down. Sehun glared at Baekhyun, "Good job you inconsiderate piece of bacon."

Baekhyun gasped, "What did I do?"

Chanyeol smacked the back of his head, "You know Kyungie likes Jongin."

Baekhyun hissed in pain as he rubbed the back of his head, "Jeez alright stop hurting me."
Chanyeol quickly looked down before pecking the smaller' head. I smiled and clapped my hands while Baekhyun turned red.
"Hey! You big clumsy giant..." He never finished because Chanyeol kissed him.

Suho rolled his eyes, "They disgust me, anyway what are we going to do about Kyungsoo?"

I raised my hand slightly, "Do you know where he might be? I can talk to him."

"But he doesn't even know you."

I sighed, "Trust me."

Sehun got up, "Come on. I found him there last time."

I followed Sehun once again through the school. He led me through a pair of doors to a small garden.

"This is where they first met. He should be on the bench."

Sehun pointed in a general direction before going back inside.

I hiked up my backpack before calling out, "Um...Kyungsoo?"

"Over here."

I walked towards the voice to find a sniffling boy with red hair and large eyes. His eyes widened when he saw me, "I don't know you?"

I nodded, "I'm Tao....the new student from China. Hey what's Jongin like. Not what he is like with everyone else. But with you."

Kyungsoo flinched before responding, "He...he was my best friend. Then this guy got to him. He turned Jongin against me. He tried to make Jongin hurt me but he couldn't. Jongin made the guy leave the school but he never went back to the way we were. I don't know.
The other day he got me alone and said he regrets so much but he hasn't talked to me since."

I frowned, "Wow. Um. He seems like he cares."

Kyungsoo turned away, "I doubt it. He's with a new girl every week."

"Yea...but it's not the same girl. Which probably means he's having trouble finding the one or maybe....he's trying to convince himself."

Kyungsoo turned towards me, "Tao....are you suggesting?"
I nodded. At once Kyungsoo's face lit up.

"Maybe there's still a chance."

"Hyung...there's always a chance. Even when it seems like there's no hope."

Kyungsoo sat up straight and wiped his tears, "Then there's no point of me being sad?"

I shook my head, "If it's truly meant to be, it will happen."

Kyungsoo threw his arms around me and gave me a tight hug but pulled away once he realized what he was doing.
"I'm so sorry"
I smiled, "It's okay Soo hyung."

Kyungsoo got up, "Come on. Class is about to start."
After school....

I opened the door to our small apartment and called out, "Mom I'm home."

I walked to the kitchen but she wasn't there. I opened my mouth to call out again but closed it once I saw my mom conversing with a woman in business clothes. I dropped my bag and walked into the room. I bowed at the stranger and pecked my mom's cheek.
"Hello. I'm her son Tao. I'm sorry to interrupt but I had to check in with we before heading off to work my shift."

My mom nodded and the woman smiled warmly at me.
"It's okay Tao." She had a warm voice that suggested she was a kind lady.

I bowed once more before heading off to my room. I shrugged off the uncomfortable school uniform and pulled on a pair of black skinny jeans and a normal grey sweatshirt. I grabbed my wallet and my shoes and left the apartment. I stuffed my hands in my sweatshirt pocket and hummed to a tune in my head as I walked to a coffee shop down the street. I got a job working for a couple of shifts to make my mom's life a bit easier about a week ago. It wasn't easy after my dad left but I couldn't just mope around.

I walked into the coffee shop to find my co-worker putting on his apron.
"Tao!" He yelled once he saw me.
It just so happened that my co-worker was also Chinese which made training so much more easier.

I put on my apron and started restocking an empty shelf of cookies.

The door bell rang as a new costumer walked in. I turned to see the same lady that was at my house. She smiled but didn't order anything. Instead she went to an empty table and sat.
I tapped Yixing's shoulder. "Ge, I'll go take the order."

Yixing raised his eyebrows, "But we don't go to someone and...."
I walked away before he finished talking.

"Hello again ma'am. Do you want anything?"

She shook her head and motioned me to sit down.

I shook my head, "No it's okay. I might get in trouble with my boss."

She laughed, "Tao sit. Your not going to get in trouble. The boss wouldn't fire a worker just for talking to the owner of this franchise."

My eyes widened, " own this chain of coffee shops?"

She nodded, "Well my husband did but he died. I took over last year."

I sat down in shock, "Wait....are you the legendary female CEO of Wu industries."

She laughed, "You could say that. I need your help Tao."

I nodded my head earnestly, "Anything ma'am."

She patted my hand, "Call me Subin. My son is in his last year of high school and he's training to take over the company. He needs a lot of help for should I put this...his life. I want you to be his personal assistant."

My mouth dropped open, " his salve?"

Subin shook her head, "No no. Tao sweetheart I'll take good care of you. It's just Kris is a bit cold and I just want him to enjoy the last year of high school before his life gets all crazy. Please, I'll make sure your mom and you don't suffer."

I really liked the sound of that. All I wanted was my mom not to worry about money or anything. She's getting old and I don't want her to get sick thinking about all these things. No one tell her I said that, she'll kick my ass.

"Subin ma'am. If I take this offer. Can my mom quit her job?"

Subin smiled warmly, "Tao you sweet thing. Of course. I'll make sure you both live peacefully. The only problem is that he might want you to come at odd hours. Or stay a couple days."

I thought about it. Honestly if me being away from home for a few days helps my mom then I would do it in a heart beat.

I nodded and stuck out my hand, "I'm willing to do it ma'am."

She smiled and took my hand, "Thank you Tao. You'll be a great help one day."

Always find a way (Taoris)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن