I think I should just stop expecting so much from life.

"Hey, I got the meat..." his voice trails off, and if my eyes were open and my fists weren't clenched at my sides, then I imagine his eyebrows would be knotted together.

"I don't want the meat," I state, my voice low and scaring even me.

"Oh. Did you change your mind on tacos?" I can hear him moving around the island, probably to come put the stuff away. "Or did you not want beef? I could have got ground turkey or chi-"

"Shut up," I say, my nose flaring. I think I'm really fucking angry.

"Um...I...um?" He more than likely assesses me for a moment, without a doubt picking up on my foul mood. "Are you alright? Is it...are you bleeding? I mean," he chuckles. "That would explain why you've been so horny."

And had I known that you were lying to me, I certainly would not have touched you this weekend, that's for sure.

"Charlie? Are you...okay?" Oh buddy, you wouldn't be asking me that if you heard some of the shit I was calling you in my head. In fact, you'd probably be running for the hills. "Do you want me to go get you some tampons? I don't really like buying that shit, but I'll go, you know? I can get some Twix too."

Stop being cute when I'm trying to be mad. "You know what I really hate, Zayn," I start, my eyes still closed.

"No..." he squeaks. "Well... yes. You hate when I don't put the toilet seat back down, and when I shave and the hairs go everywhere, and when I use the good towels when I dye my hair."

I open my eyes. "You know what I especially hate, Zayn?"

He bites at his bottom lip. "No?"

"I hate being lied to."

He swallows.

I'll put him out of his misery. "DNA Diagnostics Center called today."

His eyes widen, and he swallows again. 'What did-"

I hold a hand up to stop him. "Don't worry, your precious secret is safe. She wouldn't tell me the results, which is pretty fucking funny considering I was there, apparently."

He turns around and peeks down the hall, probably making sure the kids are still occupied by the television, before turning to face with me with furrowed brows. Yeah, we really don't want them to have to witness this. "What? What are you talking about?"

Oh really? What am I talking about?

"That's irrelevant right now. I'll deal with your slut bucket, lying, piss-poor excuse of an assistant later."

He holds his hands up and tries to come closer. "Charlie, please. Try to calm down so I can-"

"Calm down? You want me to calm down?" I shout, though in my defense, I do try to keep my voice down for the sake of my children. "You went and got a paternity test and you want me to calm down? And you wouldn't tell me, nor would you take me with you...but you take someone else- someone who you know I hate and don't trust as far as I can throw, and have her pretend to be me? That's low...that's the lowest shit I've ever-"

He looks confused. "Babe, it's not like tha-"

"Shut up! Just stop fucking lying to me!" I shriek. I feel the anger starting to be replaced by sadness. "How could you?" I sniffle, my shoulders dropping.

His face drops. "Baby..."

"No- no. You had a paternity test with Marley, I understand that. But now you get one with Liyana? I told you-" my voice cracks. "I know we were apart when I got pregnant with her, but you...you know she's yours. You know I'd never be with anyone other than you. That I can't be with anyone other than you," I whisper, the tears free-falling now as the hurt finally takes over. "I-I would never do that to you. I've been nothing but faithful and-"

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