I always have loved this small little cabin but I think most people would call it a shack. There are two comfy couches, a bookshelf and a table with a chest underneath. The chest contained many different board games to keep someone occupied along with some card decks. The table, bookshelf, chest, and cabin were all made of wood. There was three ways out: the front door, the window on the back wall and a secret passage way that leads to the river. The passage way isn’t very long since the cabin is already so close to the river but it wasn’t plain to see. Alpha, Bryce, and I all had an interesting time digging the tunnel out. The boys did most of the hard work but I helped some.  Sitting here in this room brought back many memories.

“So that was a fun conversation. Thanks for blaming me.” Kasey whispered in my ear, causing me to jump. I had let my guard down and didn’t feel him come in. “A bit jumpy about lying to your brother?”

“I didn’t lie. You know it is hard to lie to a werewolf.” I replied.

“Uh huh, if you want to believe that go ahead. So do you want the scoop on what is going down?”

“I thought you went patrolling.”

“I am here for your safety and in order to fully make you safe, I need to know everything that is going on. Anyways, the mage council doesn’t seem to be involved so most likely they are some rogue mages that teamed up with rogue wolves.  The rumor is that they teamed up together to get revenge. The werewolves because they were kicked out of their packs and the mages just because they want to make a mess of things.  One of the ghosts I talked to said to stay away from them because someone there can capture ghosts.” Kasey relayed.

“What! Capture ghost? Someone with an ability similar to mine?” I asked excitedly maybe I wasn’t the only one with these powers.

“Doesn’t seem like it, they are using Old Magic. It sounds to me that they want a death sentence.” That sucked the hope out of me. I told myself not to get my hopes up a long time ago and I still did. I need to start listening to myself more often. Before I could reply to Kasey, Alpha walked in with Bryce following behind.

“Who were you talking to?” He demanded. Alpha didn’t seem too upset but he wasn’t happy.

“You know I am weird and like to talk to myself.” I replied, I was on the floor so that I was lower than Alpha and my head was bowed.

“Why didn’t you come forward when I commanded everyone?” My eyes immediately darted to my brother.

“I told you, Jake, the human had some weird powers and it over rid your command.” Bryce defended me. It was weird to hear Alpha being called Jake. Alpha said it wasn’t Alpha-ny enough and just to call him Alpha. “I told you everything she told me.”

“Why didn’t you come forward?  You know you can tell me anything.” It was more hurt in Alpha’s voice than anger.

“I was scared. I was afraid people would start looking at me strange like they did when I was little. I didn’t want that again.” This time I was actually telling the truth. I didn’t want to be looked at as if I was a freak.

“You know your brother and I would never let something like that happen to you again.” Alpha replied softly picking me up and giving me a hug. “I have informed the Beta of the Brown Paw pack that you were the one that helped him.” I gave him a worried look. “You are going to have to go to his pack to help the others. Apparently he wasn’t the only one with a curse on him.” I started to shake my head furiously. I didn’t go out of pack land. To me that was dangerous. I was supposed to stay here, finish school, and get a job as a cook in one of the restaurants here in town. That was the plan.

“I don’t want to leave here.” I whined.

“I know but you are the only one that can help. Don’t worry I’m sending Bryce with you. He will protect you. So you have to be a good girl and go along.” Alpha was acting once again as if he was so much older. He was seven years older than me. Bryce and he are twenty-five.

“I’m not little anymore.” I replied tartly.

“Good, then you should have no problem going.” Damn, I fell into his trap. I just nodded my headed because I knew there was no point arguing. “Well now, I am going to confess. I didn’t tell him it was you.” My head snapped up at him. “He saw a person with purple streaks and a striking costume enter his room. So I kind of told him Midnight was the one who saved him.” I just blinked at him. He used my childhood nickname that I haven’t heard come from his mouth in eight years. I didn’t even think he remembered.  It was my nickname due to the color of my wolf coat.

“You told him my name was Midnight?” Disbelief leaked into my voice.

“Well it matched the description plus your brother over there is being very protective so we figured you might as well go in disguise.” Alpha replied smiling an evil smile.

“Meaning he wants to have fun and that includes making a new character. You remember how he was when Halloween came around before he was Alpha.” Bryce added. I nodded my head remembering the years. Each year, Alpha came over to go trick-or-treating with us. Each year, we could never tell that it was Alpha in the costume. His costumes were just that good. He even came over one year dressed as a queen and we could have swore that it was a female in that costume. Let’s just say Alpha likes to act. “So we are going shopping.” That was when my face fell, I hated shopping. Alpha was just standing there looking pleased.

“Come on, first we go to your closet to see your costume then we shall go pick out some more.” And with those words, Alpha dragged me out the door. I was not looking forward to this.

*After this week, I am starting school again so I will most likely be busy. But i will update this story at least once a week. If you want to read more and i haven't updated in that week span, please feel free to bug me about. It will actually make me go faster because I will know that someone really wants to read my story. I will probably put up at least two more chapters this week and maybe even a third one so keep checking. Thank you again for reading. Any comments are appreciated, even mean ones that tell me i have too many errors or i don't make sense*

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