Chapter Twenty-Five

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"I'm too big."

"No just push up harder you'll fit."

"Niall stop touching my ass!"

"Well yer not gonna fit if I don't, will ye?" 


"That was Louis."

"Stop lying Niall."

"I'm not lying, I'm standing."

"Oh shut up everyone, just push!"

Everyone gave Michael another push up the air vent and finally he squeezed through. Zayn had managed to use the small screwdriver he kept in his pocket to open the vent up. His plan was to escape by the vent. Hopefully it would work.

"I think my balls broke." The red head groaned from up the air vent.

"Shut up Michael, your voice might echo through the vent." Zayn hissed getting a push up from Harry and Niall.

Michael rolled his eyes starting to crawl a bit, so everyone could fit in behind him. Once everyone was up in the vent, Michael at the front and Luke at the back. The red head led the way through the vent, to be honest, the boy didn't know where he was going.

"I wouldn't mind staring at this view all day." Luke bit his lip staring at the small boys ass in front of him.

"Luke." Calum whispered his face turning the colour of Michael's hair.

"Calum." Luke smirked poking the boy's butt. 

"Guy's be quiet, I hear voices up ahead." Michael hushed as everyone became quiet. They all crawled around a corner to hear muffles of voices, the boy who was leading them all saw rays of light coming from another opening to the vent, so he hushed everyone so they wouldn't get caught. 

"What do you mean the boy wasn't in the room when you dropped the others off?"

"H-He just wasn't there sir."

"Well fucking search the building! For all we know he could've grassed on us to the fed's."

"Right away sir."

The boys quietly passed the opening, Calum looked down only to squeak a little causing Kellin to snap his head up.


"It's me." Niall whispered. 

"Niall shut the fuck up." Michael hissed.

"Is somebody there?" Kellin questioned looking around. 

Everyone continued to crawl through the vent, hoping Kellin would just brush it off and they'd get off scot free. But no, Luke's laces from his boots had to get caught in the vent opening, causing him to wiggle his foot about to break free, causing the air vent opening to fall and create a loud bang. To make things worse, Luke's leg fell down with it, causing Luke Hemming's to fall.

"Shit!" He shouted as he grabbed onto Calum's leg so he wouldn't fall to the ground.

Kellin gasped recognising one of his prisoners, he quickly ran to his desk where his revolver laid as Luke quickly tried to scramble up into the vent. Calum tried not to scream as Luke's nails dug into his ankle and Luke tried not to scream as Kellin shot his gun, only the bullet to hit the wall beside his leg.

He pulled himself up, thinking he was going to get up unscathed. But as he pulled himself up into the vent, Kellin shot another bullet and it went into his calf. Luke let out a string of profanity's pulling his burning leg up into the vent.

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