Tragic End

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It was a Friday when Sam found a case in Ohio. What they thought was demon turned out to be shifter.

"Yes, sir. If you could just let me and my partners slip away for a moment. Now, don't you come following us. We need a lot of time to innocently look your house over," Carmen soothed the man they were investigating with a dazzling smile. He was gone after the first sentence, but she was always sure to cover her tracks.

"I hate when you do that," Dean commented as the couple took the upstairs.

"Why?" She asked simply.

"Cause you're mine," he stated playfully, following her down the long hallway. She laughed as his breath tickled her neck.

After they cleared the last room on the second floor, she turned to him. "Always yours, Dean," she promised him with a kiss. He led her down with a smile.

"I don't know guys, this is weird. There aren't any traces of silver or anything," Sam commented at lunch, typing away on his laptop.

"Woah, what about this," Eva said while pointing to something on the screen.

Sam's eyes lit up. "You're a genius. This isn't a demon. Every one of these apartment buildings has a man-hole right outside."

"So, what, you're thinking shifter?" Dean asked.

"What's he after though?" Carmen wondered.

"Love, maybe? It always killed the man and left the girl unharmed," Sam put it together. A few days later, Dean headed to the next house on the map.

He crept in through the unlocked window and positioned himself on the couch. About an hour later, a scream sounder from the master bedroom. Dean ran in, only to be caught up by a net that was in front of the door. A woman smiled up at him from the bed, her dead husband lying beside her.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the one and only Dean Winchester," the shifter said in a seductive voice. Dean struggled in the ropes around him, hoping that Carmen and Sam would come in anyways without him have giving the signal.

The shifter's meat suit was about twenty-eight. She had long, dark hair and a petite body, the very opposite of Carmen. "I didn't think you'd be here so soon. I thought I'd have to dice up a few more lads," the shifted whispered to him, laying a hand on his chest.

"Don't touch me, you ugly bitch," Dean hissed at her. Then it hit him. "Wait, this was all a trap?" He asked her, venom in his voice.

"Yes sir," the shifter told him. "Carmen happens to be the craze in the monster world. Everyone wants her, and with her being fresh out of the oven, I think I'll get a good price for her," she told him.

Then, without for warning, the shifter punched Dean square in the face, knocking him out. She moved her skin back in place around her knuckled before she waited. Ten minutes later, the front door clicked open.

A shadow crept through the house, and then a moment later, a second, much taller one followed. The shifter waited.

A few minutes later, Carmen was in the room, focused on untying Dean. He woke up in the process and tried to subtly hint at the monster leaning against the wall behind her.

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