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"I'm truly sorry, Dean. I saw her in New York. Her memory has been erased by an angel," Castiel informed the brothers. Dean's head falls in his hands. He had been awake for three days now, searching for Carmen. It was too late. She was gone.

Sam didn't know how to comfort his brother, so he just let him he. If Dean wasn't in his room, then he was in the garage. Every single vehicle in the place had been fixed by him in the weeks after Carmen fled.

One day Dean came into the kitchen to see Sam fixing a salad. He payed no attention to his brother's rabbit food. Instead, he threw a paper onto the counter.

"I think there's a ruguru here. We should take care of it," Dean said, only ruggedness in his voice. Sam picked up the paper and skimmed the article while nodding. With a sigh, he said, "If that's what you wanna do, man."

Dean then turned to load his bag into the Impala. That night they would head out and stay in a motel. Dean would toss and turn for hours, before falling asleep and dreaming of Carmen. He woke up empty arms and a tear in his eye. The boys would take care of the problem within a week's time and went on to a few more hunts before returning to the bunker.

Meanwhile, Carmen was on her own journey. When she woke up she was given the letter and left alone. The letter told her to trust herself and to never dig at her old life. It said that she was an artist, and needed to go to the city and have a normal, safe life. It said don't be afraid to meet boys, but pick carefully and go slow. It said that her parents were in a car accident when she was very young and she was an orphan, finally starting her own life.

The Carmen that had written the letter just wanted a normal life. She wanted to live without knowing what could be under her bed. If she died in the hands of the supernatural, so be it. At least she wouldn't see it coming. She wanted to hold a paint brush everyday. She wanted not to face the guilt of running away from the man that loved her.

That is what she would get, as well. Carmen went to the city and was accepted into New York University, a school with one of the best fine arts programs in the country. She was starting to become happy, though she quickly found her old ways. Classic rock made her relax and simple t-shirts were all she needed.

Her life could be something marvelous. She could have grown up to meet a man named Jeremy, who would take marvelous care of her. They would marry and have two children. Everything would have been perfect in her life. She would love Jeremy, even though she had the feeling that she had loved somebody more once. It was okay though, she would have a wonderful family.

She would have had it. If her love for wasn't so strong. Even though her memory was erased, her soul still loved Dean Winchester.

And that's what started to cause her to dream of his face every night.

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