What the Hell

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Dean's Point of View

"So, this guy murders his whole family in his sleep. Says he was sleep walking," Sam tells me, scrolling on his computer screen.

"So, what are we thinking? Ghost possession or witch?" I ask him after a pull from my beer.

"Guess we won't know until we search for a hex bag," Sammy replies. I nod.

"Well, let's go then."

We're rolling down the highway in only a few minutes, a Credence Clearwater Revival song blaring. I nod my head along, staring at the black pavement ahead. Carmen always liked it better when she had something to look at besides old motels and small towns, so I fell into a rut of taking the long ways. The road we were on had a corn field on each side.

That damn girl and her stubbornness.

Sam leans forward after awhile and turns down the radio. "Have you heard from Cas lately?"

"Nah. We should probably check in," I try to sound casual but the worry in my voice is evident.

"Castiel, man, we need an update. Could ya' come down for a sec?" Sam prays.

Within a moment, there's a flutter of wings signaling our friend in the backseat.

"I have important news," Cas states.

"Well, hello to you too," I joke. "Alright, what is it?"

"Carmen is hunting. In New York."

I slammed on the breaks in the middle of the road. "She's doing what?"

"She's hunting," Cas says.

"I got that Cas, but why?" I yell, climbing out of the car. I feel like I'm freaking suffocating.

"A hellhound attacked her a week or so back. It was sort of a pet, if you will, of Preston's. She killed it, with an angel blade. Whoever erased her memory must have given it to her. Now, she's been looking into a few small cases. Just studying mostly, though she did work a ghost case," Cas says after he appears in front of me.

"Well, is she okay?" Sam asks.

"She is not injured, yes."

I stomp away from them and back to my car. "Where the hell are you going, Dean?"

"I'm going to get her!" There's no way I'm going to let her hunt by herself. Hell, she's only barely hunted with us! She's not ready! She doesn't remember anything, not even who taught her what goes bump in the night.

She was supposed to be out! She was supposed to go to school, not be drawled back in by a damn hellhound.

"Dean, you can't go get her! She doesn't even know who you are, man. You'd be kidnapping her," Sam says, flinging his hands into the air.

"It's better than her being out there, fighting by herself!" I yell back.

"Man, who the hell found our asses when she didn't even know what we were? Who was tortured and beaten bloody and bounced right back? Who took a blade for your ass? Who stood up against Crowley and the man who killed her family?" Sam argues, listing all of the things Carmen has done in the past year.

I run a hand over my face and lean against the car.

Please be safe, baby. Please, please, be safe Golds.

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