A New Beginning

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"No! I just don't think he's that cute!" I told my new friend, Catherine. We walked down the streets of New York casually with shopping bags in our hands.

"Oh come on. He's totally into you!" Catherine exclaims. She had been trying to set me up ever since we met a couple of weeks ago at school. "Why else would he let you help instruct and be first chair?" She continues, not looking at me. I stop on the side walk, watching her.

When she sees me, she sighs and immediately turns to apologize. "I'm sorry Carmen. It's just that he doesn't treat anybody else the way he does you."

"Well why does that automatically have to mean he likes me? Why can't I just be good enough to sit in the front and help out the others when they need it?" I ask her, flinging my arms around and my temper raising.

She sighs and looks around. People were starting to turn their heads as my voice raised. As I noticed, I simply said, "Ya know what? It's fine. I would probably think the same thing." With that, I continued walking down the street to my building.

"Carmen!" Catherine explains from behind me as I walk into the lobby of my building. I left her there, taking an elevator up to the fifth floor. Within a few moments I was in my apartment, turning the lock and flinging my bags on the floor. With a sigh I slumped onto my brand new couch and flicked on my brand new television.

I picked up my bag from the floor and dug through it, finding the crinkled piece of notebook paper. Opening it, I began to read the words for what felt like the billionth time.

Dear, well, me,

The first thing I have to say is that you don't want to know about your past. I know that it'll be hard. But it's not like you're hearing this from a stranger. This is you talking. Don't dig.

Go to New York. It's something you've always wanted. Give NYU your name, I'm sure they'll pull a few strings. You're not that bad with a pencil in your hand.

Don't question your past. You're sadly an orphan. Your parents were in a car accident when you were young. You grew up in an orphanage. This is your chance to have a normal life. Don't fret, don't think about it. Start your own life and be happy. Go on dates but watch yourself.

This is going to sound really weird, but keep the pistol in your bag. New York can be scary, and anything can happen. There's a wad of cash in the pants pocket of your jeans. Get an apartment, furniture, whatever you need.

Stay happy.

- Carmen E. Vine

I felt that the note was strangely short. I did everything that I had told myself to do. I still had part of the money, but I would need a job soon. I found myself wondering where I had gotten all of the cash in the first place.

It's strange, trying to find yourself. I was lost and dazed but before long I fell into a pattern. I had a thing for rock music, and my clothes didn't need to be fancy. I loved breakfast foods. I was pretty good at drawing, just like the note said. I found that rude and snotty people annoyed me. I must have not been a very popular kid in school. Heck, how could I have been? I was an orphan.

That thought made my heart hurt. Though I never knew my parents, it still hurt that I was all alone. I apparently had nobody. It was just me, on my own, in my new life.

With a sigh I reached for my new laptop. I stretched out on my couch as I searched for jobs in my area. I quickly found a bar that was in desperate need of a waiter. It wasn't the most prideful job, I know. But I read some reviews and it was actually well respected around here. With a deep sigh, I applied.

I put in a few more applications to some coffee shops and a few restaurants. When it started to get late, I closed my computer and headed off to my bedroom. After some tossing and turning, I drifted off to sleep.

That was when I saw him again. He felt oddly familiar, as if I'd been around him for a lifetime. He had gruff features and was dressed in a simple black shirt, an army green jacket, and a leather jacket that reminded me of my own.

He was sitting at a bar stool looking depressed. It almost saddened me to see his upset features. He held his glass of whiskey and stared into it, as if trying to find answers in the golden liquid. "Can I help you, sir?" I ask him, leaning forward on the counter. For some reason I was on the other side.

He looks up at me and I notice his bright green eyes. What takes me by surprise is how they shatter as he looks at me. "G-Golds?" He stutters. His voice was rough, and my eyebrows furrow at the nickname. Like I've heard it somewhere..

"I'm sorry, sir. Do I know you?" I ask politely, giving him a gentle smile. He gives and cough and leans back, looking me over. "I guess not," he says, his voice cracking.

"Oh well I'm Carmen," I say with another smile. He nods and returns a sympathetic smile. "I'm Dean."

And then I woke up in a cold sweat.


So I hope you all like it so far! Things will pick up within a few chapters, just hang in there. Thank you all for the votes and comments!

Carmen's middle initial and last name is my dedication to the best writing friend I could ever asked for. Between plot twists to character names, she's always there. I couldn't have written "My Winchester" if it wasn't for her and this is my way of thanking her. She also loves Supernatural and will hopefully have a fanfic up one day! Keep your eyes on prettyreckless1299 !

Thank you all.


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