She pulled out a magazine clipping she had in her purse with "Steps to Getting Ready for a Date". She knew this didn't classify as a date, but she wanted to look her best and this was the way to go. 

"Okay, I've got the dress. And now-" She muttered to herself, examining the piece of paper. 

"Make-up!" Marlene squealed in Lily's ear, and Lily winced. 

Alice and Marlene dragged Lily to the make up store and asked the counter lady if they offered in-store  makeovers. To Lily's dismay, the lady nodded and pointed to a chair. 

"Make yourself comfortable! And please do tell me, what looking are you going after today?" 

Lily read the lady's name tag. Rachel. Lily opened her mouth to say something, but her friends beat her to the punch. 

"Lily wants something nude-ish. Nothing flashy, but something to make her look spectacular!" Marlene said, pointing toward the skin-coloured racks in the store. 

"Yeah! Make her super pretty but not obviously caked with make-up!" Alice elaborated, and the make-up lady, Rachel, nodded. 

"Sure thing! I don't think I'll need much make-up though. This gal has me pretty much covered!" Rachel said, and Lily did her best to hide her blush. 

"It'll work better if you close your eyes, darlin'" Rachel said, and Lily close her eyes obediently. 

Without her sight, she listened to the bustle of the store's customers and the sound of the make-up cases being opened. 

A brush tickled her nose, and she resisted the urge to sneeze. She had no idea how people went through this stuff on a regular basis. The most Lily could manage without drowning in make-up was mascara and a simple bit of concealer. 

"Just relax." She told herself, imagining James' face when he saw her all glorified. 

"... And you're done, sweet pea!" Rachel's voice dragged Lily out of her day dreams. "All we need to do is your mascara and then you're all set!" 

Rachel handed Lily the small bottle, and Lily quickly applied it to her eyelashes. Handing it back to Rachel, she snuck a look at herself in the mirror. She almost couldn't breathe.

"Is that really me?" She muttered and stared at herself. 

She could hear Rachel chuckling in the background and Lily examined her reflection. Every little detail about her face was defined, and a highlighting around her eyes made them stand out. Her lips were coated in a shimmering lip gloss, and her eyebrows were perfectly formed. 


Alice and Marlene just laughed, payed Rachel, and slipped out of the store. 

"Next stop, hair."


After a long day of shopping and styling, Lily returned to her room. Everything about her had been primped and coated with a shiny layer of beautiful. She found a note sitting on her bed when she entered; and thinking it was from James, she picked it up and read it. 

Dear Miss Evans

I would like to cordially invite you to the first official meeting of the "Slug Club". Due to your outstanding reputation in Potions, I would extend this invitation to you and one other persons you would like to bring with you to enjoy the evening. I have taken care of the meal so do not worry about eating before. Just remember to have fun!


Professor Slughorn

Lily grinned, and was ready to leave the common room, when something strange dawned on her. Where was her date?

"Jaaaames!" She called into his room, hoping to see him bound down the stairs and make some silly excuse for being late. 

"Potter?" She tried to hide the nervousness in her voice but to no avail. Her voice cracked as she desperately entered his room. Confirming her worst nightmares, it was empty. 

Checking the clock, she realized that she had only an hour to find him. 


"Guys! I have something important to go to! With Lil-"

"Oi, shut it. You hardly ever spend time with us anymore. I'm sure Lily won't mind being stood up once. I mean- c'mon! You've stood us up plenty of times. By plenty I mean more than three." Sirius replied angrily. He felt almost betrayed by James; the marauders were supposed to stick together and not break up over a petty thing like girls. 

"This time it's different."

"What time does your date with 'the light of your life' begin?" Sirius asked sarcastically. 

"Six o'clock, and I need time to get ready!" James protested. 

"All right, mate. We'll get you to the common room by 5:30." Sirius grinned, happy to finally spend time with his best friend. 

To be continued next chapter

The Girl with the Emerald Eyes [Jily]Where stories live. Discover now