“Oh by the way, Ella wants you back at our flat before you go into your own. Katie’s already there,” Dan commented, looking up from his phone.

“Ok, guess I’m going to yours then” I said saddened. I don’t know why I was sad but I was and it confused me. Confused me more than anything.

    We’d gotten home alright, with no fans finding out where we were or anything. Not that the fans were right up in their faces. I’m also guessing that the fans liked giving the boys their space, instead of being all up in their faces like the fans are to One Direction and to anyone else that’s majorly famous.

    As I got out Dan’s car, I froze. I couldn’t move another centimetre, I was scared and there was no denying that. I didn’t want to face everyone, I couldn’t face anyone. I know the façade I was wearing, was wearing thin but I just couldn’t contain anything anymore. I was finally - well officially - breaking down. My walls could no longer stay up.

“Eli, what’s wrong?” Greg asked concerned.

“I can’t do it,” I mumbled.

“Dan, could you go up and tell the others that we’ll be up in a bit. Just a bit of a problem here” Greg muttered to Dan.

“Sure. Take as long as you need, there’s no rush” Dan said with a small smile.

“Eli, what’s happening?” Greg asked as Dan walked off.

“I can’t do it. I can’t do it,” I muttered twice.

“You can’t do what babe?” Greg asked confused.

“I can’t face them. I can’t face them,” I mumbled.

“You can’t face who?” Was Greg that thick? Seriously, whom does he think I can’t face?

“THEM!” I raged. I’m definitely passive aggressive.

Greg’s POV

When Elianna shouted, I was taken aback. I knew she was hurting but when she kept mumbling these unconventional things, it scared me and I was quite worried. I’m just trying to help her. I had to face entering places on my own but I managed, but I’m here for her and she’s just trying to cast me to the side like a rotten piece of trash. I’m meant to be her boyfriend and she’s just throwing me away as if I’m nothing. I understand that’s she’s hurting so badly but it just doesn’t make any sense. It doesn’t make me feel very wanted at that moment in time. I’m probably not wanted by her so this is probably her way of letting me go.

“Who’s them? The only people up there in my flat are Katie, Ella, Micky, Lottie and Dan. Also, Ella’s unborn child and Shannon. No one else. My sister had to go home yesterday and if this is your way of telling me to get lost then please rethink your actions”

“Why would I want rid of you? Are you as delusional as you really are? Seriously. You’re acting like you’re natural hair colour”

“Honey, you’re blonde too. So pot calling the kettle black,” I stated. Her comment annoyed me like crazy. I might be blonde but damn, I wasn’t stupid.

“No need to remind me” She responded sarcastically. I really don’t know what her problem is. I understand that she’s had an awful ordeal but it happened to me too. I might have not had it as bad her, with the brutal assaults but I still know what she went through. I still understand the mental trauma that comes with the kidnapping. I understand that you feel like the whole world is out to get you and they’re all going to take you away and pick at you until there’s nothing left.

“When you’re ready to be philosophical towards me and towards the others, come and get us. I understand that you’re upset and anxious about entering our flat building, I was too but there’s no need to take it out on the person who was there and who went through the same sort of stuff. Maybe I didn’t go through the assaults but I was still there and I’m still going to be facing the same mental trauma as you will be,” I ranted before walking off. I was tired of trying to get her to understand. I was tired of trying to get her to be reasonable. Maybe we are too different to even be together.

All Things Possible - District3 - Greg WestWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu