~Later (At Lunch)~

"Sooo, whats up?" One of my REAL friends asked. Her name is Jamie. She is number 1 on my list of real friends.

"The sky..." I said in a bored tone. She giggled a little and stopped. "What?! It's true!" I said, shrugging. She shook her head and laughed at me. I shrugged her off and ate. I finished my food and threw it away. My eyes itched so I itched them. They itched even more so I rubbed them even more. 

I itched them so much they fell out and I sighed. Now they don't itch, but now I have to wear my old glasses. Great... I went to the bathroom, cleaning my eyes out with eye drops and they felt better. I grabbed my blue glasses and put them on. I felt great without those contacts. By the way, I need more. I only have a pair left! I will have to tell my mom...

I opened the door quietly. Everyone was in class. Greeeeeeat... I walked out quietly and got my history book. I walked in hoping no one would notice, but of course everyone turned their heads to me. Even greater! I sighed as I saw Seth raise an eyebrow and smirk at me. I rolled my eyes. "You may sit Ms. Williams." I nodded and sat right smack next to Seth. Of course I had to sit next to him, it was the only one available!

"So, what happened?" He asked. I rolled my eyes, and said

"Wouldn't you like to know! My contacts fell out." I said looking away, a blush crawling to my cheeks. He was wearing matching blue ones with his blue outfit, too. And I just noticed...

"Mr. Taylor and Ms. Day! Detention!" Mr. Thomas yelled at us. Greeeeat...


I sat there sitting next to him. I took off my glasses and rubbed my face. I put back on my glasses and stole a glance at his face. He was asleep. Heh. I stared at him a little and he stirred. I quickly looked away, and I heard chuckling. That little...

"Alright. You may go its been an hour." Mr. Thomas said. I got up without waking up Seth and waited outside the door. A couple minutes later I herd Mr. Thomas yell at Seth for sleeping and had to stay another hour. I quietly laughed at him and picked my bag off the floor and left before Seth could take a glance at me.

I ran to my car laughing and opened the door and jumped in. I put the key in the ignition and started the car. I felt weird, like I haven't had much fun in a while. I blasted the music, and Smile by Avril Lavigne came on. I started driving and sang along.

"You know that I'm a crazy b*tch!

I do what I want when I feel like it!

All I wanna do is lose control! Ohh Ohh!

But you don't really give a sh*t!"

I let the rest of the song play and before I knew it I was rocking out in my car in front of my house. I turned it off when the song came off and pulled the key out of the ignition and got out. I pushed up my glasses and got my bag before closing the door. I got my key out and unlocked the door quietly, hoping my mom doesn't ask why I am home so late. 

Before my mom can ask me any question I rush up to my room. I quickly closed and locked my door. I threw my bag aside for right now, breathing deeply. I texted Jamie to come over. She texted back an 'ok' and a few minutes later while I was downstairs watching tv the doorbell rang.

HOPING it would be Jamie and not some perv I opened the door, and there stood...

Seth.... Looking furious.

Wait... How did he get my address???

~Seth POV~

After getting out of detention, knowing that Lisey left me there without waking me I walked home. Wait... I just called her Lisey! Leslie, I will not call her by a nickname. I mentally slapped myself for even giving her a nickname.

I opened the door to my home and quickly went to my room. Not wanting to deal with my over-protective mother. She says if I get contacts and have a 'makeover' I will become a snotty kid. We aren't rich, but not poor either. I don't want pity. I want to finish school go to college and then meet a nice woman there. We marry have a couple kids. I work at some job I will probably hate. Watch my kids grow, die happily. Bam theres my life.

Or how my mom wants it. Angry at Leslie, I got her address telling Mr. Thomas we had a project to do and I forgot her address and really NEEDED to go there. I mean, I wasn't fully lying I guess. I cleaned my glasses and then left, telling my mom I was going to hang at the park and might be there a while. She said okay and I left quickly before she could rant on. 

She wasn't far from my house so I walked. I saw her best friend Jamie about to turn into her driveway when I got there and I sighed. Great!  I went up to her car.

"I need to talk to Leslie right now. Can you like drive around for like 10 minutes. Please?" I asked her.

"Sure!" She winked at me and drove off. I rolled my eyes at her friend and rang the doorbell. I am not a knocking person. Lise-Leslie opned the door smiling and then her smile quickly went away. Uh oh!

~Leslie POV~

Looking at him made me want to wrap my arms around him and kiss him- Wait... Shut up brain!!

"What? Do? You? WANT?!" I asked pretending to be angry.

"Can I talk to you? Thanks." He said slipping into my house. I sighed, rolled my eyes, and turned around closing the door. "Can we go somewhere more..."

"Private? Yeah." I answered for him I led him to my room. "So what do you need to talk about with me?" I asked looking at him straight in the eyes. It showed nervousness, anger, and more emotions I could gather up. "We-" I wasn't able to finish that sentence before I felt Seth's lips on mine. At first I stood still, shocked at him, but them kissed him back. I was the one who pulled away, needing air. And alot of it. "Why?" 

"I have been wanting to do that..." He mumbled.

"Out." I slapped him, my senses coming to me.

"Alright I guess I deserved that... I just came here to say sorry for being a jerk." He said before walking out of my room. I heard the door slam seconds later. What just happened?? I text Jamie and she says she will be here soon. I need to talk to someone about this!

~Seth POV~

Why did I just kiss Lisey!? I thumped my head and started walking back to my house.

More like running...


:O OMG OMG OMG! They kissed! D: and its only the 3RD CHAPTER :| wow just wow me! Whatever. Its just a kiss. Omg whats going to happen next, Kyliegh!? I dunno! WAIT FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER! Well I will stop rambling. CYA NEXT CHAPTER!

<3 Ky

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