Chapter Twenty One

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I could feel warmth in my body once more seeping through my veins from my heart. Maybe it was because of the way he now looked at me when he thought I wasn't looking. I had gotten better. I could remember everything and once Snape convinced Draco, he finally sided with me. Though he's kept his distance and had taken Pansy with him. But I can't let that bother me now. Not now when everything's in the planning. Father has begun to talk to me once more through mother but still it's rare for a letter to get through. I know they don't mean to be distant they have no choice since mail is being intercepted and checked but it still makes my heart twinge with annoyance. But it only fuels me more. I will kill him when the time comes. Severus meets with me each night, mostly to review the plans but I know he loves my company though his sadness seeps into me when he pulls away.

"Miss Granger did you hear what I just said?" McGonagall snarled slamming her hand down on my desk jostling me from my thoughts.

"It's Riddle..." I mutter, before looking up to meet her piercing gaze.


"My name is Hermione Riddle, and you'll do well to remember it". I snarl looking up at her sharp contorted features as her eyes flash with worry, fear and then disgust.

"Get out of my class then, Riddle. I will not teach one of you". She barks her hands shaking slightly at the order.

"That's a shame Miss McGonagall I thought you liked your job". I gasp faking shock as a sickeningly sweet smile lights up on my face.


"Well I'm sure my Mommy wouldn't be too happy to hear that a teacher at Hogwarts was refusing to teach me because of some silly prejudice. And Uncle Lucius is on the School board. It would be a shame for you to get fired this year". I smile laughing slightly as she takes a hesitant step backward.

"Your family does not scare me Miss Riddle. Nor does your insane Uncle and Mother-"

"Never speak of my Father in that way you filthy blood traitor". Draco snarl whipping out his wand and pointing it at her.

A ripple of unease spreads through the class as some scramble to get away from Draco for fear of who he will lash out at.

"Mr.Malfoy you'll do well to remember you are not immune to punishment. Put down your wand this instant".

His grip tightens on his wand and I can see the curses running through his mind on the tip of his tongue. I cross over to him and wrap my hand around his shaking wrist.

"Shhh. Draco please". I murmur, using my strength to force his arm down towards the ground.

He looks up into my eyes and I can see and feel the fear pulsing around him wrapping around me. He's so scared but his fear turns into anger too quickly. He yanks his arm away from me as if he'd been burned, and brushes past me knocking books off of people's desks as he makes his way out of the room.

"Class is dismissed". She murmurs shakily before returning to her desk taking a seat.

I keep my eyes trailed on her as I pack up my things and make my way out of the room. Had she seen what I had? His fathers anger? His determination to kill her? I hurried out of the room running to Severus's quarters to report back to him.

I bolted into his office slamming the door on my way in.

"Draco was going to kills McGonagall I saw it in his eyes. Something's wrong with him this year. He's pulling away from me and taking Pansy with and i don't know what to do. I can't trust him when he's like this not when he is about to kill a teacher for a stupid remark". I gasp running into his welcoming arms.

"What? Hermione what did Draco do?" He mutters placing hands on my shoulders and looking down at me his face full of worry for his little Slytherin.

"I got into a fight with McGonagall and she made a comment about Lucius and my mother being insane and Draco lost it! He was going to kill her I saw it her in eyes and I know she saw it too that's why she dismissed class early. She wouldn't have been able to do anything Severus! She had left her wand with the Weasley who had broken his". I murmur turning away from him to pace.

There was a moment of silence before I turn to a guilt ridden Severus.

"Severus? What is it?" I ask stepping forward to reach out and touch his arm.

"Nothing Hermione. He's a young boy in school. He's probably just growing up. You shouldn't read too much into it". He muttered taking a step away from me and towards his desk, sweeping his black cloak around him and taking a seat. "Now if you don't mind I have a class to teach in a moment".

"Severus what aren't you telling me?"

"Nothing Hermione...its just been a long week. You know how Malfoy is. He is just like his father. Maybe someone looked at him the wrong way today. You never know. Just give him time and space Hermione. Please". He murmurs not meeting my gaze.

"Severus? Can I come by later tonight?" I murmur frowning slightly at his sudden change in demeanor.

"Yes. We have much to discuss, and your father wants to speak to you". He murmurs without looking up at me.

He's hiding something from me. I know it. He won't look me in the eye. He never is afraid to look me in he eye. Something is going on and they aren't telling me. Well I guess I'll have to wait till tonight. Then I'll get my answer wether they want to give it to me or not.

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