Chapter Fifteen

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I awoke to quiet chatter across the room barely audible from my position. I stayed as still as possible and focused on breathing slowly and evenly.

"What if she leaves?"

"She won't leave. She can't...not now. Not that they've progressed in the spell"

"We can find a way to break it my lord"

"No. I need that alliance with the wolves and the Giants to even think about attacking Hogwarts. Everyone must make sacrifices in this war Severus. You should know that more than anyone"

"But my lord she won't assist you after this betrayal-"

"Betrayal? I am her father. She will come to terms with it and agree to it wether she likes it or not. She knows her duty as my heir"

"But my lord-"

"Do not over step your boundaries Severus. I allowed you to be her guard and teacher on the grounds that nothing but friendship would come between you. Obviously I was wrong because the only foreseeable reason she is refusing this is for you"

"My Lord you must be wrong. Nothing but friendship is between us. Nothing."

"Severus you've been a dear friend for years but I expected you to know better. I can always tell when you're lying"

"My lord-"

"Enough. She will be awake soon her breathing has changed. I want you gone I have enough to deal with I don't need you to be here"

"Of course my Lord". Severus softly pads across the floor towards the door and a soft clip from the lock sounds meaning he's gone.

I sigh softly and stretch preparing to finally talk to him. I hear footsteps fade away and he sighs as he settles in his study chair. I turn around on the comfy sofa to look at him. He looks up and meets my eye. His eyes were not their usual bright alertness and instead held sadness and despair in them as he looked at me.

"I'm sorry darling. This is what you must do. I cannot reverse such a spell or even a curse. It is up for you both to destroy the curse or...stay together. Come here darling I want to explain it all to you. But I need you to remain calm". He murmurs motioning towards the chair opposite of him across the desk.

"Did I hurt Uncle Lucius?"

"No, he will be fine. He isn't mad at you in fact he's filled with sadness and regret at the thought you'll never forgive him. In the short time you've been here you've won everyone over. You've won their hearts. Including Severus. I see it you know. Your bond. I know you both have not acted upon anything but you both have these moments. Where a lapse of judgement could occur and... And well let's be thankful that hasn't occurred."

I sigh softly and look up at him willing him to continue on.

"But this spell or curse as you may come to call it cannot be broken by anyone on the outside. Only by both of the partners agreeing to it. And it takes strong magic to reverse it. As when you were born it was placed upon you by your mother so that you would one day be drawn to your soul mate. While you were gone we went looking for him. We searched all over the world for him till we found him. It was a shock to us who he had become as before he was a Pureblood wizard. But he suffered an unfortunate accident. All your life he's been waiting. You know he's hardly 18 himself. This spell is placed upon the children at birth to find the one person they will find true happiness with. It isn't meant to cause harm. It also is an unusable circumstance but one that we can use to our advantage. My darling. I need you to do this. You will find happiness with him. It is fore told in the stars. I need you to reach a agreement for us. So we can have an advantage over Dumbledore." He explains softly rubbing his temples slowly.

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