Chapter Nineteen

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Sitting through each class is quite similar to torture. I've already read all of my books. It seems like we read the same things each year, never really progressing. All of my teachers fear me ad it's so boring to live like this. Everyone fears disobeying me. It has its uses but I want real friendship. I miss me and Severus's conversations. They challenged me and it was enjoyable. He never feared me because he knew me. Draco has turned into a mess, he's gotten paler if that's even possible. Pansy is concerned and spends all of her free time tending to him which leaves me alone most of the time. I wish I could sleep. But most nights I can't. Adrenaline runs through my veins pulsing begging...for me to do something. But I spend most of my time looking after my house, especially the younger students under Ron and Harry's torture. I don't hear from father anymore. Mother updates me but even her letters have become few and far between. I know I look a mess but I can't be bothered anymore. They think they're sneaky with the quiet whispers when they think I'm asleep but I know. They say I am starting to look like my mother when she got back from Azkaban. Severus even seems concerned. My hair is in huge knots and my under eye circles have gotten darker and I know I've lost weight. I feel like death but I have a job to accomplish. Pansy likes to joke that I'm fueled by hatred. It's kind of a slap in the face to know how much I am like my parents. But I guess that's only logical. I'm just so tired. I want this year to be over already. I can feel my patience wearing thin with every passing day. I sigh softly, raising my head and looking around the now emptying room, picking up my books and hustling out. When I turn around I'm shocked to see Dumbledore standing in the doorway waiting for Harry, but staring at me. I could feel his vile magic prodding through my mind but without blinking I could force him out. He's getting weaker. The disease must have hit a major artery in his wrist. His face crumples and it flashes with anger. Harry hurries toward him and he glances back at me his spoiled face frowning before turning back towards Dumbledore. I hurry out the door smirking as Harry shrinks away from me. Good. Fear me.

"You look more and more like your mother each day. Even more deranged." Harry remarks smirking at his words as Dumbledore leaves hurrying down the hallway after whispering something in Harry's ear.

"Watch your mouth Potter. My family is very concerned with my well being. I would hate for you to have to die earlier than planned just because my moms a bit over protective" I smirk taking a step forward.

He backs up quickly stumbling backward into Severus. Severus gives him a quick shove forward away from him.

"Is there a problem Miss Riddle?" He asks cocking an eyebrow.

"Not for long". I murmur cracking a smile while Harry skitters away.

"Come Miss Riddle we have things to discuss." Severus mutters turning and hurrying away letting his big black cloak flow behind him.

I sigh before shrinking my books and placing them in my pockets and hurrying after him. His stride is so long and fast that I practically have to run after him towards the dungeons. Once we reach his classroom he keeps going heading towards his private quarters. I hesitate before following him in, the doors slam behind me and I can feel his magic pulsing and wrapping isn't self around the door warding it.

"What do you think your doing Hermione?" He snarls whirling around to face me, slamming his hands on his desk.

"I don't have any idea what you mean". I mutter refusing to shrink back.

"You know exactly what I mean. Your dying. Look at you! Your a mess and everyone can see it. Your hair is in knots! Your eyes are practically black and you're losing weight rapidly! Dumbledores noticed and thinks your going to snap which is a good thing for their side! It's a weakness". He snarls getting uncomfortably close causing me to back into the door.

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