Chapter Eighteen

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One after another, they all filed in. It was an amazing image to see. Everyone's eyes sparkled with excitement of being chosen to attend this meeting, to be allowed in my presence, All 20 of them. Draco stood beside me stock still watching for any signs of betrayal. He guarded me at the risk of his life and for that I would be forever grateful. Pansy stood off to the side watching and containing the crowd with the strength of her mother. I sighed fidgeting with my ring before looking up once more as they all went still and silent.

"I've gathered you today to discuss something's. As you know your parents are strong supporters to our cause. And in turn I have scene you have showed loyalty. But our parents can do nothing from out there. Which means we have to find a way to bring them in here. Until that happens we are on our own. Which is perfectly fine. But there will be a day when we have need of them. That day will be at the end of this school year." I announce taking my seat at the head of the long table.

Everyone files suit quietly sitting down, I pansy and Draco by my side.

"Draco will be physically training you in dueling as many of you are severely lacking". A few chuckles sound from the table and some look down guiltily in their seats. "Pansy will be training you in socialization and poisons. You will need to gain information from our enemy's without their knowledge and don't blow this off. This is equally-if more important that physical training. I need you all prepared for the months to come. I can't have any week links." I announce looking at the children before me, some were only 14 but I needed them.

"We will begin training tomorrow morning 4 am sharp". Draco announces followed by a groan from the entire table.

"We will begin our lessons after classes end. Any questions?" Pansy asks smirking at Draco for the lack of groans after her announcement.

"Yeah uh what's the plan? And if you don't mind me asking why is a woman leading us?" A snarky fair headed boy demands smirking at his buddy's.

Snickers cease when I stand up from my chair. I slowly walk about to the boy and place a hand on his shoulder wrenching him down back into his seat.

"What's your name...boy?" I murmur twirling my wand in my hand.

"Edmund Rosier" he announces craning his neck to look up at me.

"Your father was Evan Rosier. He died fighting for my father...and me instead of being arrested. He brought down Aurors and was killed by Alastor Moody while resisting. If you want I'm sure my dear friend Alastor Moody would love to have a nice chat with you". I murmur slowly pushing the end of my wand into his neck making his veins bulge.

"Aww your shaking. Are you sure your alright Edmund? Your question was a good one. 10 points to Slytherin. But your attitude and lack of respect is...distasteful. Wouldnt you all agree?" I chuckle looking around at the table of nodding anxiety ridden eyes.

"Now your daddy is dead but how about your mum. I've met your mum she's a sweet lady, but a force to be reckoned with when mad as I'm sure you've witnessed. But I'm sure if I told my father about your miss step he would want to punish you to the fullest extent. But he can't reach you here. So he'll just have to visit your mum now won't he?" I murmur smirking as he begins to violently tremble beneath by wand.

"No! You can't! Please miss! Please! I'm sorry...please she's all I have left. Please...Miss Riddle please" He whines his voice cracking with fear multiple times.

"Shhh it's alright I promise she will be safe as long as you do as I say from now on". I whisper releasing my hold on him and patting him softly on the head.

"Now. To answer your question Edmund. I'm going to kill Dumbledore." I announce, letting a smile spread across my face.

Gasps of shock filled the room followed by applause and shouts of joy. Finally we would be rid of that old man. Once he was out of our way Harry would be slim pickings. This was going to be a fun end of the year.

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