Chapter Fourteen

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"I guess the only way to make it through talking with these people is to keep drinking. You surprise me Princess". Fenrir's deep raspy voice proclaims grabbing my arm to steady me.

"Get out. Right now. I'll scream and it'll be the death of you". I stagger once again back into the bed this time landing on it, trying to grasp at my wand.

"Now now girly I just want to talk. As tempting as it is i value my life. Now then Princess we have a lot to discuss. Including your father and your...mate". He growls grasping a stray strand of hair and softly twirling it.

"If you have any information on my father I'm sure we could discuss this in his presence". I frown tugging my hair away from him.

"Oh sweetheart, you have much to learn. Now your father and Lucius were discussing fine mates for you before you rather rudely burst in. A fine long list that was becoming shorter and shorter. But anyway I'm sure your not interested in all of that. We were also discussing your summer. A long summer of which we shall spend all together. I'm sure you'll love my pack. I know they'll love you-"

"What do you mean? What list? What pack? What are you talking about?" I mutter rubbing my forehead to ward off an oncoming headache.

"Now darling listen and stop talking for a moment. I thought your father would explain these things to you but I guess even our great lord has some fears. Fears of upsetting you. You will have to start courting soon as it is customary. A strong mate for a strong witch. Though a mate was already chosen at birth. A simple spell will reveal whome it is. Though I suppose you already knew that". He murmurs cracking a grin showing off pearly white sharp canines.

"I don't understand Fenrir...what are you trying to say? Why are you telling me all of this?" I growl running my temples harder as the headache increases.

"Oh darling. It's a war tactic. You are to spend a summer with your supposed mate to reach an alliance to aid your father. You're my potential mate. Believe me your father was not happy about it but that spell never lies. I could offer you a future of...oh happiness and pleasure". He murmurs softly stroking my cheek.

"Your lying my father would never agree to this. He hates werewolves he would never agree for you to court me-"

"Believe it princess he already has. He has no choice. The laws of the universe will still draw us together. In older tales if they refused the magic would become stronger and stronger till the potential mates got ill with distance and eventually died.  I'm sure if you asked, your well stocked library could offer plenty of books on it." Fenrir chuckles grasping my hands and forcing me to stand causing me to trip into his arms.

"No. No this isn't true. Your lying why would you do this? I just reunited with my family. Why are you lying to me? I don't love you nor will I ever. We are not mates". I growl wrenching myself away from his grasp.

"Princess you already feel the magic flowing between us. You felt it the day you stepped into your fathers study. The magic that causes you to lust and miss me when I'm not there. The magic that denies you and your pet Severus from being together. You'll never be able to be with Severus while you are destined to be with me. I suppose you have a kinky side to you To fall for your professor huh princess? The magic will become stronger and stronger as we see more and more of each other and as we become closer and closer till we unite". He murmurs softly, his grin causing shivers to run down my spine.

"You listen here. We are not mates. I will never love you. Severus is not my pet nor will you speak of him like that. I feel nothing for you. I feel no magical draw towards you. I feel nothing! And if you think-"

He sighs and roughly grabs my arms drawing me in and forcing our lips to meet. Magic wraps around us forming a caccoon of bright light. I can feel his blood rushing under my fingers rushing to meet mine. Our lips crash against each other a hunger grows inside of me wanting more and more. His hands move to my waist pulling my against his hard body sending a thrill throughout me. A soft voice sings through my head pulling me deeper and deeper into this all as if pulling me under a harsh tide. His fingers rip open the clasps causing a rush of cool air to hit my back causing me to gasp and pull away.

"No! Don't touch me! How dare you? What is this? Why you? Why can't it be anyone but you?" I cry throwing myself back away from him.

"It's the magic love. And now that we've finally made contact you'll forever be wanting of me-"

"No! I won't. This will never happen again. Do you hear me? Never. I'll never love you. And I certainly won't be spending my summer with you.". I yell grabbing my wand and murmuring a spell causing him to fly back out the open door into the hallway with a bang.

The door locks shut and I turn around blindly muttering spells. A flick of my wand sends my dress to the floor and a pair of black skintight pants and a low cut white t-shirt appears. I twist up my hair and turn towards the door, wand grasped tightly in hand. The door wrenches open revealing an unconscious Fenrir. I step over his body an angry heat flowing through my veins. I can feel the static of magic in the air around me flowing down the dark hallway. I have to find father. I have to find father. Where is he. Where would he be. His study. A shot of red light explodes from my wand onto the closed door knocking it clean off the hinges. The inside of the study is empty besides Lucius and my father.

"How dare you. After my whole life being blinded from it all. Having everything be fake. Everything be false. Now I have to have my future decided for me again?! HOW DARE YOU" I scream sending a spell towards Lucius slamming him into the wall.

"And you. Your my father. How could you allow this to happen. How. Could. You. To be with that dog?!" I shriek trying to desperately hold onto my magic that's now wildly whipping around the room.

" need to calm down. Now. Unleash Your uncle and calm down". Tom murmurs getting up and slowly walking towards me.

"Explain to me how you could do this." I cry tiny little tears dripping down my cheeks.

"Hermione i am so sorry-"

"Shut up! Shut up Lucius!" I interior pointing my wand at him again.

"Hermione. Stop this. This instant. I don't want to but I will knock you out if this continues. Release Lucius and calm down".  Tom says softly laying a calming hand on my shoulder.

"I don't love him. Why is he a potential mate. Why are we magically connected. How could you do this". I sob turning into his chest allowing Lucius's limp body to fall to the ground.

"Darling I have much to explain I know. We both do. But just please calm down we can talk about it when you wake up". He murmurs softly laying a hand on my head.

"When I wake up? What-" and with that everything goes black in my mind allowing me to drift into a field of wonderful calming Lilly's.

(Author Note- uh oh what will Hermione do now that she's destined to be this that dog? Will Severus find a way to destroy the bond for his own gain or hers? Does she truly have feeling for Severus or is it a silly crush? And the most important question is does Severus love her as well?)

The Dark Lords ProtégéOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora