Requests are closed for a while ...

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So this is NOT a story. Here I will upload some imagines you want to read. I am taking requests. Please check out my story ONE DAY. There you can check my style of writing. I really do write everything, everything you want me to write. 

But you please have to follow some rules if you want me to write an imagine for you. Please comment and answer these following questions. All of the questions must be answered: 

1. What kind of imagine do you prefer?

   (cute, sweet, funny, romantic, sexy, dirty, steamy, ...)

2. Who shall have a role in the imagine?

    (stranger, boy, girl, justin bieber, you, your friend, mother, ...)

    If YOU want to have a role in the imagine, then please comment. 

3. Where shall the story take place?

(sea, beach, home, your room, car, restaurant, island, ... )

I won't write the same stories so please check before where the imagines have already taken place!!! Thanks.

4. When shall the story take place?

    (now, holiday, midnight, evening, morning, ...)

5. What rating shall the content have?

    (G, PG, PG-13, R, NC-17, ...)

6. Do you have any special wishes or suggestions?

    (fetish, boy x boy, girl x girl, rape, incest, ...)

Please don't be upset if it will take some time to upload your imagine. I have to think about a story and finally I have to write it down. This will take time. I will do one comment after another. 

Looking forward to your requests :D

xoxo PLeisure

Your Imagines about Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now