Chapter Twenty Three

Start from the beginning

My breathing got heavier as we went outside the room and into the disabled toilets, my chest felt as it was getting tighter, my mind and thoughts dogs as Phil led me in and locked the door.

"Dan, Dan, breathe in, breathe out," Phil mimicked exaggerated breathing' "you've got this, you're in control."

I did what he said and it helped slightly, but my concentration went straight to the irritating itch.

"Phil my wrist," I said and pointed to my right one.

"It's okay babe, it's okay," Phil replied and sat down near the wall that was aside from the toilet, he then told me to put my head on his lap and began stroking my forehead with his thumb. I don't think that either of us minded that we were in a toilet and sat on the floor, I just needed to distract myself.

"I'm so sorry Phil," I said with sorrow, I had dragged him into this mess I had made and made him miss his film.

"It's okay, I told you I'd be here for you and anyway, I didn't exactly want to go to the cinema. If this was like a date kind of thing, going to the cinema isn't the right way to do it. We're sat in silence for two hours, that's not a way to spend time with someone."

"I'm so lucky to have you."

"I'm so lucky to have you too, I love you Danny,"

"I love you too Philly."

After waiting in the toilets for another ten minutes and my guilt basically eating me alive, I decided that we could go. The itchiness had gone and I had stopped crying.

"Phil, we can go back in now, thank you so much for staying with me."

"It's okay," I said and he went to unlock the door.

Just before he did I grabbed his wrist carefully and brought it towards me. I out my hands on my waist and proceeded to kiss him with all that I had left within me.

Of course he had accepted, Phil began teething down on my lip, then stopped and gently bit it. Phil licked my bottom lips and asked for entrance which I easily accepted. I wound my hands though his hair and jumped on his waist, pinning him to the wall.

As this point he was holding me up, putting his hands firmly on my ass to support me. I carefully got down as I could feel the two of us getting a bit hard, and broke away. I pecked him, sorted my hair out and went back into the the cinema room where the film was playing.

When we got to the top of the stairs and where our seats where, it seems like Chris and PJ weren't exactly watching the film either. There was a cup holder slash arm rest in between the seats but that didn't stop them.

Phil and I decided just to leave them and sat two seats in front by the wall, watching the rest of the film. Since we'd missed a lot of the plot, we just sat and quietly spoke.

The other two people in the cinema looked like they were only just a few years younger than us and sat on the other side of the room.

"I don't want you to go to school tomorrow." I said looking at Phil admiring his eyes as the big television castes light in certain directions in his eyes.

"I don't want to go in either, but I have to. I'll text you all day, I promise."


Once the film had finally ended, we went to the Pizza Hut which was just the other side of the road to us and all chipped in to buy a big pepperoni which we all shared. It was nice, moments like this made me feel as if I had friends who loved and cherished me.

After that, Chris and PJ had to go to their houses and being as Phil and I lived so close together, we walked together after the bus. We chatted about noting in particular,must anything that came up, then it was time for him to leave. We kissed one final time for today and I carried on walking until I got to my house.

When I walked inside, Mum greeted me immediately and kissed my face. I didn't like it when anyone other than Phil did that, it felt wrong.

"You okay honey? How was the cinema? Did you have a nice time?" She shot loads of questions at me all at once.

"It was good, I'm fine thank you, how are you?"

"Yeah I'm good thank you, I was wondering if you'd like a takeaway tonight?" She looked at me and smiled, "Adam won't be home, would you like to invite Phil?"

"Okay, thank you, and I'm not sure, he has school tomorrow."

"Okay, but if wants to, once she finished his homework we can order it straight away and he'll be back at home by seven."

"I'll ask him, thank you." I said and went to walk upstairs, unlocking my phone and calling him instantly.

"Dan, you okay?" He urged, presuming I rang because something was up.

"Yeah, don't worry, I'm fine, Mum said that once you've done your homework and the school crap, if you'd like to come over for a takeaway? You'll be done by seven,"

"I'll ask my Mum, thank you," he said and suddenly there was silence, meaning that he left his phone upstairs and asked his Mum.

Phil began speaking again, "sorry Dan but she said no for tonight, she just wants me to see her for a bit because I haven't really seen any of my parents of brother all weekend, but I'll come and see you after I'm home tomorrow, thank you anyway, sorry."

"It's okay, anyway, you best get on, I'll speak to you tomorrow, I love you."

"I love you too, bye Dan." He said and hung up.

I went downstairs to tell my Mum, she said that Dad would be home soon and we can still have one anyways. I went upstairs and slept, trying to kill some time so I could talk to Phil again.


In the morning I decided that I was going to go wait outside his house for him and surprise him. I left the house and waited there for about three minutes until I heard a "Dan?" in Phil's voice.

"Morning," I said and pecked his lips.

"What are you doing here?"

"I thought I'd see you before you went, I'm going to miss you today."

"I'm going to miss you too, I'll text you when I can," he said and I engulfed him in a hug.

"You better go then,"

"Yeah," he kissed me one last time and left, texting me whilst he was walking.

A/N hi one of my best friends my-turn-my-story (Katie) has just started this really good  phanfiction and would really appreciate it if you went and checked her out and read her work? Thank you and it's honestly so good like she's so talented and such an amazing person !! :)

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