HUNTED Chapter 27

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Mitchell Inlet, Moresby Island, Canada

Arkady's arrival to their location, was a surprise. Stephen looked over at the man who'd puzzled him for a long time, greet him and his family with a broad smile. He lifted Alice up and spun her around. Hearing her squeals of delight was pure joy.

"Papa is here," Alice called out.

"Yes, he is." Stephen patted the Russian on the back, leading him back to the cabin. Wide glass windows opened up to the mirror like inlet, bringing the breathtaking view inside.

"Up!" Tristan didn't want to miss out on the fun he saw his sister enjoy.

"How's my little man?" Arkady Kolcheck looked younger than his sixty-four years. The cleaner air of Canada's west suited him.

"Up here suits you, Dad." A smirk spread across Stephen's features when he referred to the man as Dad. But for their children's benefit, they've played the father and son part well. Reality was, he was more suited to be Thea's father, but the Russian background worked better for Stephen, seeing he knew the language so well. Even in their aliases as the Campbell family, it was difficult for Arkady to lose his accent. Plus, their matching blue eyes made them look more like father and son.

"You should retire and move up here permanently."

"I wish I could, son." A similar smirk spread across his lips as his so called son. But his features creased with worry. "Jethro mentioned you were hit." He took a closer look at his arm.

"I'm fine. Really!"

Arkady's brows raised in mock surprise. "Why am I not surprised at your reaction. You have your family who rely on you to come home safe every day. This attack is nothing to take lightly."

"Believe, me, I'm not."

"Then tell me, how are you feeling?" Arkady kept his gaze on Stephen, ensuring he capitulated.

"Tired. Hetty gave me some medicine to counteract the poison."

"You need to rest. I'll help Thea entertain the children."

"I can't. Not until I know the threat has been dealt with back on Lanz."

"I was with Jethro when Sam's call came through." Arkady scanned the area before he entered the cabin behind the children. He turned back and spoke quietly to Stephen.

"I've heard rumours. Nikita is alive. There are Russians looking for him and for you."

Stephen hitched in his breath, "Sam told me." He shook his head in disbelief. "I don't understand. Hetty found him, I visited his grave."

Arkady firmly gripped his shoulder. "He's alive, Stephen. I have a feeling this latest attack on you has more to do with your father than Janvier."

Stephen shook his head, "no. They wouldn't find me, connect me to my old self. This has Janvier written all over it."

"That may be, but that's not what I've been hearing."

They moved into the study for privacy to continue their conversation. Thea distracted their children with the telescope. Alice sat on a bar stool and looked into the eye piece. A man caught her attention on the headland to the north of their location. Her eyes widened as she turned to look at her mother.

"Mommy! That man has his hand missing."

Fear ripped through Thea's veins. She took control of the telescope. She moved it until she found what her daughter had found.

"Stephen!" Thea grabbed Alice and Tristan and moved quickly towards the study.

"Thea, what is it?" Stephen saw the fear on her face.

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