HUNTED Chapter 17

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Tofino, Vancouver Island

Stephen knew they needed to stop for supplies and to refuel, but also to check the sea plane over, to make sure there was no damage, after the gunfire. Every muscle in his body was tense, as he clenched his jaw and went to work to do what needed to be done. They wouldn't make it to their rendezvous point before nightfall. They would have to stop over at the cabin at Cape Scott, for the night. At least they were there the previous weekend and they still had supplies for them sleeping there. They were prepared at least, tin food, weapons, money, clothing and bedding. Even toys and books to occupy their children. Once they were refuelled and stocked up with food supplies, they'd be gone like ghosts.

"Daddy's bleeding," Alice's cried out.

Thea narrowed her eyes and looked more closely at her husband's arm.

"It's just a scratch, sweetheart." He gave his daughter a warm smile to ease her worry.

But it did nothing to ease his concern. That had been too close. He jumped out of the plane and looked at the bullet hole in the side door. He needed to repair it fast, before anyone caught wind of it.

"Let me take a closer look at it." Thea's eyes were serious, her hands worked quickly but they were gentle.

Stephen bit on his lower lip to hold in the pain, when she tied a piece of clean cloth over the wound.

"I'll fix it up properly later. I'll get the supplies."

"Thanks." Stephen inserted the fuel hose into the tank and pressed hard on the lever. Once it was full, he paid for the fuel and went to work on fixing the bullet hole. Thankfully there had only been the one. He double checked that both kids were okay, before pulling out the filler for the new hole. It would take a few hours to set, then he'd paint over it. No one would know then that they had been the plane fired upon. But he'd have to change the striping and sea plane number. Fortunately he was prepared for such occasion. He'd have this task complete before they left for tomorrow's destination.

"Wow, that looks good. No one would suspect." Thea inspected her husband's handiwork.

"It'll look better tomorrow." He gave her his trademark smirk and helped her place the boxes into the rear of the plane.

"Ready for take off?" He doubled checked his kids were still strapped in and started the engine. It was a smooth take off between Tofino and Meares Island. He directed the plane northwards and settled back into his leather seat, while his wife and kids enjoyed the scenery below them.

They left the Pacific Rim National Park, keeping to the west coast of the island. Below them were copious inlets and islands, forest and mountains. The Pacific Ocean was calm this time of the year, with barely any white peaks on the dark blue waters. It was a good thing it was summer, else the whole place would be covered in snow and the landing rocky for them. He never took the family up here during the winter months. Although he knew that he and Thea could deal with it, he was worried about their children. They rarely liked to be stuck inside for long periods, which is why they settled in Victoria. With their many indoor playgrounds and gardens to occupy them during the freezing months, it helped Thea occupy them, while he was working.

After an hour, he lowered the plane to land between two islands, just off Cape Scott. On the northern side of Lanz Island, was a small cove, perfect for keeping the plane safely anchored in, whilst they camped the night inside their well hidden cabin.

Island hopping appeared to be the safest route for them in situations like this. Although Vancouver Island was a large island, it was also the busiest off the west coast, with it's close proximity to Vancouver. They'd hoped crossing the border into Canada, would have kept them off Janvier's radar. Five years they'd lasted. He'd hoped for longer. Or his team had found his nemesis and killed him first.

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