HUNTED Chapter 11

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Her visage darkened, like a turbulent storm approaching.

Secret location

She'd been training for this moment over the past three months. Every time Callen was out of the office, she'd work closely with Granger and Hetty, so she was ready. But it still didn't calm her nerves.

Her current location was a black site. She had no idea of where she was, nor how long she'd sat inside the private jet with her superiors. All she saw was red dirt and sheer rock formations, and concluded she was somewhere in the Arizona desert.

The person she was going to visit today had been blindfolded, and their trip had been diverted to multiple sites before arriving here. Wherever here was.

She followed Granger and Hetty through the dimly lit corridors, there were no windows and she knew they were deep underground. It was cool and her body shivered. She wrapped her cardigan closer to her body, doubting herself in agreeing to this.

A familiar face greeted her and wrapped his arms around her.

"Hi, Nell. How are you?"

"Gibbs. Better for seeing you here." The more moral support she got, the stronger she felt.

"Good. First, before you go and see him, I've asked Leon to allow us to have some alone time. Call it last minute preparation."

He saw the hesitation in her eyes.

"It's okay. I'll explain along the way."

Granger and Hetty nodded and allowed her to go with the east coast team leader. Nell knew Callen trusted him like he trusted Sam. He was family to him and she trusted him in the same way--with her life.

Gibbs opened a door to a large room. It was filled with tools and equipment, that made her eyes bulge.

Gibbs pulled open a metal box and lifted out a knife.

"He likes knives to slit peoples' throats. He's particular with his tools, like this one."

He handed Nell the knife with the curved handle. It glided into the blade without notice. If the person holding the knife wasn't careful, they could easily cut their fingers off.

Nell held her hand out flat, too scared to hold it in her hand properly.

"Hold it like Hetty and Owen have shown you."

Gibbs watched Nell's hesitation.

"Go on. Think I'm him."

"No. I can't. You'll never be that evil."

"No, you're right. But for this exercise, I need you to forget who I am. Think that I am him."

Nell gave him a slight nod, "I'll give it a try."

"That a girl."

"What kind of knife is this one?"

"Nothing special. A fairly basic one, custom made, by heating the metal and bending it with a hammer. But this one--"Gibbs lifted out one that made Nell step backwards.

"Sorry. This is one of my favourites. It's called a Manticuba knife. It's designed for cutting attackers. The pistol grip provides a solid hold onto the knife and more power than you would have on your standard knife. If weighs less than you would think, with the cut out in the middle. The multi-edges allows you to do more damage to your attacker."

"You want me to use this one on him?"

Her hazel eyes stared up at his blue ones, worry intermixed with fear.

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