HUNTED Chapter 9

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Her body began to shake uncontrollably. Fear flashed across Callen's face as he entered the room.

Los Angeles

They were home. Nell was safely tucked in bed, in his house, which he wanted to be their house. She was exhausted--she should have slept through. But he should have known better. The nightmares after such a traumatic experience haunted the best of them. Although no harm had been done to her in person, the stress of being kidnapped, and her run to freedom, had been a two day ordeal.

She thrashed about in bed, the sheets were twisted all over the them. She gasped for air and her eyes wide with fear. It was early morning, her breath was fast and heavy.

"Nell. It's me--G. You're safe."

The turbulence in her hazel eyes dissolved. But her fingers continued to claw deep into his forearm.

He shifted and switched on the bedside lamp. "See, we're at my place. I want you to feel safe here and for us to make it ours."

The crease line between her brows softened. She tilted her head towards him and she released her hold on him.

"I'm sorry, I hurt you." A mixture of guilt and worry, replaced the fear.

"It's okay. I'm fine. You're fine. You're home now."

He gently rubbed her up and down along her strong back. Her body strength had surprised him at first. He'd expected her to be softer--weaker than she actually was. All their training over the past few years had made her limbs and core strong. Which had made their love making, interesting, to say the least. She was flexible. Really flexible.

He shook the thought from his mind. He couldn't go there right now. She needed him to be there for her--to comfort her.

"I'll get you a glass of water. It might do the trick to help you go back to sleep."

"I don't know if I can."

She climbed out of the bed and swayed a little. Why did she feel so weak? She felt Callen's strong hands come around her body and hold her.

"Your body is exhausted. Twenty-four hours on the run, you've got to take it easy for a few days. Get lots of rest.

She shuddered in his hold. She nodded. "Okay. I'll try."

She sat back down while he left her. She studied the bedroom further. He had far more furniture in there than she'd expected. A tallboy, bedside tables and a queen size bed, with a full length mirror hanging on the wall beside the tallboy. Photos of the two of them hung on the wall. She walked over to them and smiled. Only a month together, but he'd made sure they'd captured all their happy moments and treasured them on the walls. He'd even replaced the curtains, soft champagne coloured chintz organza, blew in the early morning breeze--ever so gently. Heavier silk in beige hung beside them.

Her body began to shake uncontrollably. Fear flashed across Callen's face as he entered the room.

"Nell, what's wrong?"

He moved her back to the bed. She was sweating, yet her body felt cold like ice. He was at a loss on what to do. He picked up his cell and dialled Hetty. He explained her symptoms to her.

"I'll be right over, Mr Callen."

Like she had since he was fifteen, Hetty came to the rescue. She arrived in record time and let herself in. She and Sam were the only two who had the secured passcode to his house.

Worry was etched in her ageing face, when she saw Nell in shock. She sat down on the bed beside her, taking her hand in hers.

"Nell. What is the matter, dear?" Her voice was soft and soothing.

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