HUNTED Chapter 21

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Leroy Jethro Gibbs drove into the Campbell driveway and cut the engine. He stepped out and took in the familiar surroundings. It was almost like coming home—-coming to this place. He had family here and wherever family were, he considered it home.

He took in the tall Douglas fir trees, intermixed with Black Cottonwoods, Red Alders, Maples, Mountain Hemlocks, Sitkar Spruces and Western Red Cedars. Majority of the West Coast of Canada, including the many islands that dotted off the coast, were full of these giants. It's what made logging so viable in the early days of settlement. Now, many were protected and they provided shade from the warm sun.

Gibbs stepped up on the porch and looked across the road towards Marisa's house.

"What's he doing?" Ellie Bishop remained in the car rental alongside Timothy McGee, watching their boss expose himself to the person or persons in the blacked out vehicle.

"I'm not sure." McGee dialled Tony's cell, who quickly picked it up and whispered.

"Now's not a good time, McGee."

"Where are you and why is Gibbs exposing himself like this?"

"I'm inside the house. Gibbs is drawing out the hunter, if that is exactly what the mysterious blacked out sedan really is."

"You are?" McGee furrowed his brow.

"Oh great, here comes nosy neighbour out to catch Gibbs on the porch," Ellie added.

They watched Marisa Clark walk across the road and greet their boss with a warm hug.

"They know each other?" Ellie asked in surprise.

"Looks like they do, pretty well in fact," McGee added.

"Jethro, it's good to see you again. How are you?"

Gibbs smiled at the brunette. "Good. How are you?" He was about to turn his own set of keys into the lock to enter the house.

"I'm good, thanks. But I'm worried." Her face became serious, something Gibbs rarely saw on her. She was usually bright and cheerful, unless she was talking about her first husband.

She turned and looked towards the blacked out sedan. "This is the second time this vehicle has stopped there in two days. I've had a woman asking me questions, she said she was a friend of Stephen and Thea's."

"It's okay, Marisa. Ellie is a friend. She called me, said she'd spoken to you."

Her eyes widened and lips slightly parted, as she drew in a breath. "What's going on, Jethro?"

"Let's go inside." He pushed the door open and waited for her to enter.

"I haven't seen them since yesterday. Thea left on her bike with the kids, then we heard gunshots. The police came and witnesses said someone fired at a sea plane. Some thought it was Stephen and Thea with the kids."

"Take a seat, Marisa."

She nodded and sat, it felt strange for her to be there without Thea and the kids.

"Stephen and Thea have gone away for a few days. They asked me to come and keep and eye on their place."

He heard the light patter of paws scratch across the wooden floors. Gibbs turned and knelt down to greet the labrador, rubbing his hands through his blond coat.

"Hello, Buddy. Wow, you've grown so much." The pup was no longer a pup. He'd grown into his feet and licked Gibbs' face with fond affection.

"I've missed you too." He walked into the kitchen and spotted the empty bowls of water and food.

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