3-A Flying Ship Lands In Our Front Yard

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29 August 2015


We were flying towards The Burrow. It was mid-afternoon.

Hours before, we had gone to Camp Jupiter to pick up Hazel, Frank, and Reyna. I had had a lot of mixed feelings about seeing my old home. But the awkward air between Reyna and Piper was gone, and they were good friends now. Besides, I knew my place was at Camp Half-Blood, with all my friends. Frank and Reyna were doing a great job running the camp.

I was jerked out of my thoughts when I noticed Hazel standing next to me.

"This sucks," I said. "I thought everything would be over when we defeated Gaea. It's like we can never live a good life. The Fates must hate us."

Hazel studied me with her big gold eyes. "Honestly, I should've seen it coming."

"What do you mean?"

"Recently," she said, "the Mist at Hogwarts got... I don't know. Thicker. More difficult to manipulate. I could feel it, and I bet the Hecate kids at Camp Half-Blood felt it too."

I remembered the many whispered discussions the past few days in Cabin Twenty. "Yeah," I said finally.

Suddenly, I heard yelling from above. "We're here!" Leo yelled.

I ran up the steps and emerged on the ship's deck.

We were here.

We had arrived.


"Blimey, is that them?" I yelled, shielding my eyes from the bright sunlight glinting off the giant flying ship. And when I say giant, I mean giant. It was beautiful.

The ship slowly landed onto the green grass. Nine teenagers came out of it, pulling their trunks behind them.

A tall, dark-haired boy stepped forward. "Hi. You're the British wizards? We're the exchange students who sent you the letter."

Harry nodded. Mrs Weasley said, "Come on, all of you. You can talk inside."

We hustled into the house.

A girl with curly blonde hair and storm grey eyes stared at the breakfast preparing itself. "Wow," she said. "This is amazing."

"You don't have these kinds of things in America?" Ginny asked.

The blonde seemed unsure how to answer this, but then a girl with dark choppy hair said:

"Not really, we learn other kinds of magic there. It's why we're here- to learn about other types of spellwork."

I found myself nodding. "Okay," I said.

"So, um why don't we introduce ourselves?" asked the tall boy who had spoken earlier. He extended his hand. "I'm Percy Jackson."

The girl with the storm-grey eyes was Annabeth. The choppy-haired girl was Piper. The boy with blonde-haired boy and sky-blue eyes was Jason. The guy who kept fidgeting and shuffling his feet was Leo. The regal-looking girl with dark hair was Reyna. The muscular Asian boy along with who seemed to be his girlfriend was Frank and Hazel. Lastly, the boy wearing a black T-shirt and a skull ring was Nico.

After we had introduced ourselves, we all settled down for lunch. Mum did an excellent job with the food. (I asked for a second helping, but she said we had to let our guests have some, too.)

I thought about them while I ate. Percy seemed like the troublemaker type. I had to make sure he stayed away from Ginny. Annabeth and Reyna were just terrifying. Nico just gave me the creeps. I glanced at him. He seemed to have no enthusiasm whatsoever for his breakfast. He just sat on his chair, looking moody and sullen.

"Look at this!" Hermione exclaimed. She was reading the Prophet. " 'Last night, at around 11 p.m., there was a mass Azkaban breakout. Many dangerous Death Eaters escaped.' " She looked at us. Expressions of horror were etched on our faces.

"Could it be- him- again?" Ginny asked tentatively.

"No," Harry said. He sounded unsure, though. "He's dead. The Horcruxes are destroyed. It has to be some other Dark wizard or witch."

"Excuse me," Percy interrupted. "I feel like I'm missing out on something...?"

"You've never heard of Voldemort?" Harry asked incredulously.

"We have," Annabeth replied hurriedly, but we don't really know a lot."

"Well, a few months ago, he was defeated. The Horcruxes were the objects he hid his soul in. After the war, his followers, the Death Eaters, were rounded up and locked into the wizard prison, Azkaban." Hermione explained.

"And you?" I asked. "What have you been doing?"

Percy looked uncomfortable. "Um, if it's okay, I rather not talk about it. I still haven't really recovered from the experience."

I saw my sister nod while Annabeth leaned over and whispered a few words of what sounded like reassurance to him.

After breakfast, I pulled Harry and Hermione aside.

"I don't trust those Americans," I hiss. "They seem suspicious. We don't know anything about them."

Hermione glared back at me. "They seem quite good, actually. And that Annabeth- quite studious, I heard. That boy, Percy- she told me at lunch that they're dating."

"Figures," Harry muttered. "Percy needs someone like Annabeth to keep him in line."

"That's not the point!" I exclaim. "We don't know anything about them! They could be behind the Azkaban breakout for all we know!"

"I doubt that," Hermione said, "but maybe we should be on our guard...just in case."

We had gone to Diagon Alley a few days ago, and the Americans had assured us they'd packed their things. So I was left with Harry trying to stuff my robes and cauldron into my messy trunk. The girls had finished packing yesterday.

The day after tomorrow we were going to Kings' Cross. We were ready, which meant we had one day of freedom tomorrow.

I know what to do to know these kids better.

We were going to play a game of Quidditch.

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